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Title: | 自我反思反芻與憂鬱情緒在自傳式記憶特性之探討 Self-reflection, self-rumination and depressive mood on recall of autobiographical memories. |
Authors: | 劉令恬 Liu, Le Tien |
Contributors: | 許文耀 Hsu, Wen Yau 劉令恬 Liu, Le Tien |
Keywords: | 反芻 反思 自傳式記憶 憂鬱 self-rumination self-reflection autobiographical memory depression |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-05 14:39:16 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 過去文獻顯示憂鬱反芻與憂鬱有緊密關連,憂鬱反芻的概念又可區分為不具適應性與較具適應性的部分(Treynor, Gonzalez, & Nolen-Hoeksema, 2003),但這兩者與憂鬱情緒的關係至今尚未有定論。在非臨床樣本中,高自我聚焦並非都是缺乏適應性的,高自我聚焦程度加上情緒一致的回憶特質,容易維持憂鬱情緒,反之加上情緒不一致性的回憶特質,則較能回憶正向記憶,具有較佳的情緒調節能力。為探討情緒、反芻與記憶特性的關係,本研究採用Trapnell和Campbell(1999)架構將自我聚焦分為自我反思與自我反芻兩個次分類,探討不同自我反思反芻與憂鬱情緒在自傳式記憶的特性表現上有何差異。其中以簡短指導語版的自傳式記憶測驗工具(MI-AMT)做為測量工具,增加在非臨床樣本中測驗自傳式記憶的敏感度。 本研究第一階段以545位大學、研究所學生為樣本,發展本地適用的中文版反思反芻量表,第二階段則從階段一的反思反芻程度、憂鬱程度高低中篩選出117位受試者,檢驗不同自我反思反芻與憂鬱情緒之自傳式記憶特性差異。 研究結果顯示(1)中文版自我反思反芻量表與簡短指導語版自傳式記憶測驗工具具有足夠心理計量特性,可用以測量相關概念與量化記憶特性。(2)憂鬱情緒程度高者具有自傳式記憶特定性低、過度概化記憶程度高的特性,與過去文獻符合。另外,反芻與反思在自傳式記憶的表現則相似性高,在同處於高憂鬱情緒類別,高反芻者並無顯著回憶出較少特定記憶、較多過度概化記憶,高反思者亦無顯著回憶出較多正向特定記憶、較少正向過度概化記憶;這些結果與Svaldi(2008)無法驗證研究假設的結果相同。 Literature review shows that depressive rumination sustains depressed mood. Depressive rumination could separate into maladaptive and adaptive subcomponents (Treynor, Gonzalez, & Nolen-Hoeksema, 2003), but the relationship of them and depressive mood is unstable. In non-clinical sample, high self-focus is not always relates to maladaptive. When it combines with mood-congruent autobiographical memory sustain negative mood easily. People with mood-incongruent effect will recall more positive autobiographical memory, has better emotional regulation. The present study tried to examine the relationship between emotion, rumination and autobiographical memory. Divided self-focus into self-reflection and self-rumination (Trapnell & Campbell, 1999), investigated the differential characteristic of autobiographical memory in different self-focus (ruminative and reflective) and depressive mood (high and low). In addition, we used Minimal Instructions Autobiographical Memory Test to measure memory specificity in non-clinical populations. Study one aimed to validate the Chinese version of Rumination-Reflection Questionnaire, recruit 545 graduate and undergraduate students as sample. Study two investigated the differential characteristic of autobiographical memory in self-focus and depressive mood with 117 students chosen from study one. The results revealed that: 1) the Chinese version of RRQ showed satisfactory psychometric properties. 2) High depressive mood is significantly associated with reduced AM specificity and induced overgeneral memory, this result supported pass researches. Otherwise, autobiographical memory’s characteristic in self-rumination and self-reflection are quite the same. In high depressive mood, high self-ruminator did not have lower autobiographical memory specificity, and more overgeneral memory. High self-reflector did not have more positive specific autobiographical memory, and less positive overgeneral memory. These two result didn’t support assumption, but matched to Svaldi’s (2008) result. |
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