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Title: | 以CMMI-ACQ規劃資訊科技籌獲管理 Planning IT acquisition management based on CMMI-ACQ |
Authors: | 王培得 Wang, Pei De |
Contributors: | 曾淑峰 Tseng, Shu Feng 王培得 Wang, Pei De |
Keywords: | 流程改善 CMMI 籌獲管理 Process Improvement CMMI Acquisition Management |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-05 14:32:38 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 「流程改善」是任何組織追求卓越、提升競爭力的根本方法,美國卡內基美隆大學軟體工程學院(CMU-SEI)集結經實作證明,可有效提升軟體品質的最佳實作方法成為CMMI,提供開發型組織流程改善的依循準則。繼開發方CMMI (CMMI for Development) 的成功推廣與有效運用,籌獲方的CMMI-ACQ(CMMI for Acquisition)因應而生。 CMMI-ACQ乃針對籌獲方採購流程改善之CMMI模式。在委外環境下,籌獲方與開發方應共同築成CMMI-ACQ與CMMI-DEV互動的協同合作關係,使雙方擁有對等、公平、專業的流程溝通基礎,以更有效的方式完成委外專案協同工作。最終目標,就是使整體專案能如期、如質、如預算的完成,提升資訊服務品質。 本論文以CMMI-ACQ的籌獲需求發展、籌獲確認及籌獲驗證流程領域為參考,規劃資訊科技籌獲管理,以UML活動圖表達其互動關係,並以Zachman 5W1H方法研析籌獲管理必要的作業程序,進一步分析、說明其使用案例,以發掘籌獲管理資訊需求,最後以CMMI評鑑檢視表,回顧本論文所提CMMI-ACQ資訊需求架構所提供之直接證據。透過本文研究的過程,期盼提供籌獲組織一個簡單的導入參考。 Process improvement is the fundamental way to pursue excellence and promote competitive advantages for any organizations. CMU-SEI has gathered the so-called best practices that has been experienced and proven to be effective to establish the CMMI to provide reference guidelines for process improvement in the software development organizations. Following the pervasive adoption of CMMI-DEV (CMMI for Development) for the developers, CMMI-ACQ (CMMI for Acquisition) was developed for the acquirers. CMMI-ACQ focuses on acquisition processes in order to constitute an equal, fair, and professional common platform for effective collaboration in an outsourcing environment. The goal is to achieve the project completion on time with expected quality and budget. This research proposes an information requirement planning approach for IT acquisition management based on CMMI-ACQ, using ARD, AVER and AVAL process areas as examples. Using the UML activity diagram and Zachman 5W1H, this research analyzes the operation procedures and elaborates the information requirements in the use case diagrams and the associated descriptions. Finally, a set of CMMI self appraisal tables are used to review the support evidences provided by the proposed information requirements architecture. This research provides a reference for any acquisition organization to elicit the information requirements for CMMI-ACQ adoption and its supporting system construction. |
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