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Title: | 影響我國大學技術移轉績效因素之研究 The research on the factors of the performance of technology transfer in the universities and colleges in Taiwan |
Authors: | 葛孟堯 Ger, Galland, M.Y. |
Contributors: | 劉江彬 Liu, Paul, C.B. 葛孟堯 Ger, Galland, M.Y. |
Keywords: | 產學合作 技術授權 大專院校 技術移轉辦公室 中介變項 調節變項 University-Industry Collaboration Technology Transfer Universities and Colleges Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) Intervening Variables Mediation Variables |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-05 14:30:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究目的在探討我國大專院校的技術授權績效影響因素,並探討各變項的中介及調節效果解釋。透過相關文獻的整理,本研究將影響因素可分為五個族群種類,包含:投入資源、智慧財產、專業技轉組織、環境因素及學校因素等五個族群,而觀察指標則採用學校的授權績效,據此五類因素設計出三個主要的研究假設。 本研究收集採用2007年我國大專院校全體164所完整資料,整理出34個變項資料,對於我國技術移轉迴歸模型的有效解釋能力為71.5%至68.0%,認為各校的美國專利數是具有顯著中介效果的變項。具有顯著意義的調節變項中,可以歸納出TTO影響績效的三個主要變項群組,包含:(1)TTO總員工數能增強研發資源產生專利權的解釋;(2)推廣活動辦理能增強研發資源產生專利權與授權績效的解釋,唯發明人引介數與專利權有較顯著相關性;(3)TTO職員的專業背景也是重要的調節變項,當學校研發資源充足時會聘請技術及法律背景的員工。 另學校鄰近科學園區、設置醫學系、公立一般大學,這三項具有調節效果的環境及學校變項,對於解釋能力具有增強的效果,但是因果關係上傾向解釋為資源優勢,本研究認為環境變項具有顯著影響,但相對難以透過管理機制產生績效的實質影響,相對地,TTO影響的因素卻可以透過管理產生績效的實質影響,是當前各學校在發展技術移轉上可參考的重要實證資料。本研究最後提出針對大學技術移轉研究的侷限問題,以及五種能夠修正本研究限制的建議。 The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors of technology transfer performance in the universities and colleges in Taiwan. Furthermore, this study finds the mediation variables within the factors. This study differentiates the factors into 5 major elements, including investments, intellectual property, TTO, social environments, and the university itself. The annual royalty is the dependent variable. The study builds three hypotheses according to the 5 major elements mentioned. The study collects the complete data in 2007 of 164 universities and colleges in Taiwan. The intervening and mediation variables are taken into the regression model; the higher R-square is 68.0% to 71.5%. The study divides the significant mediation variables into 3 groups, including (1) The TTO scope will increase R-square of the patents. (2) The promotion actives will increase R-square of the patents and royalties. However, there is the high correlation between inventor promotion and patents. (3) When there are sufficient RD resource in the universities, TTO will employ employees of legal and technology background. About the environments and university issues, there are three significant mediation variables, including the distance to Science Park, the faculty of medicine, the public or private universities. The environmental variables were the significant impact on regression model, but the variables were controlled difficultly by universities. Comparatively, the universities controlled the TTO variables easily, and its will be significant impact on the performances of TTO. The study argues that variables are the effect issues with resource advantage. At last, the study recognizes some limits about the research of technology transfer and proposes 5 suggestions for future research. |
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Description: | 博士 國立政治大學 科技管理研究所 92359506 99 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0923595061 |
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