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    Title: 我國外商藥廠的知識管理活動與知識管理影響因素之研究
    A study of knowledge management activities and influential factors of international pharmaceutical enterprises in Taiwan
    Authors: 薛稚蓁
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Keywords: 知識管理
    Knowledge Management
    Knowledge Management Enables
    Knowledge Management Influential Factors
    Knowledge Attributes
    Pharmaceutical Industry
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2011-10-05 14:30:44 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 根據2009年IMS生物技術開發中心統計,國內藥廠前十大銷售排名均為外商企業,且在健保藥品給付進口外國藥廠的購買金額也高達70%。由此可見外商製藥公司在台灣藥品市場所佔有的舉足輕重地位。而以往有關製藥產業的論文研究中,較多著重於其行銷業務、策略以及研發模式等方面的分析,很少針對製藥公司的知識管理來加以探討。就知識密集的製藥業來說,此為明顯的研究缺口,因此,本研究以製藥產業為主軸,選定在台灣藥品市占率高的外商藥廠為研究對象,探討其知識管理作為,以及知識管理影響因素如何影響知識管理活動。
    1. 外商藥廠的知識管理目標若越明確、且與人員的工作流程結合度越高,則其知識蓄積活動越容易進行,且知識保護活動也越能確實執行。
    2. 外商藥廠會透過企業內部環境的建構,來促進其知識的擴散。
    3. 外商藥廠的科技設備若越完備,則其知識蓄積越容易進行,也因而強化了其知識的創造與擴散。
    4. 外商藥廠的績效評估制度之設計與衡量指標之搭配,有助於其知識創造及知識擴散的進行。
    5. 外商藥廠知識的結構化程度會影響知識蓄積以及擴散方式。知識的結構化程度越高,則越容易透過文件式的蓄積方式、並經由資訊系統來擴散知識;而知識的結構化程度越低,則越容易透過人員式的蓄積方式、並仰賴面對面接觸來擴散知識。
    6. 外商藥廠會藉由成功經驗的分享,來創造組織與各部門的知識,也因而促進了知識的擴散。
    7. 外商藥廠會藉由師徒制度來擴散經驗型的知識。
    8. 外商藥廠會積極主動並重視知識保護的活動,且使之成為日常作業流程的一部分。
    According to IMS Health Global Pharma Forecast in 2009, the top ten sales volumes of pharmaceutical enterprises in Taiwan are all international enterprises. Under the National Health Insurance reimbursement, the international enterprises occupy only 30% of all the pharmaceuticals volumes, but occupy up to 70% of all the pharmaceuticals sales, which shows that the international pharmaceutical enterprises play a decisive role in Taiwan pharmaceutical market.
    Most of the past studies of pharmaceutical industry focus on the aspects of marketing, strategy, and research and development. Few specifically inrestigate the issues of knowledge management and knowledge management influential factors. Consequently, a research gap can be found as pharmaceutical industry in a knowledge-intensive one. This research focuses on the pharmaceutical industry, explores the knowledge management activities of international pharmaceutical enterprise in Taiwan from both the view of knowledge management influential factors and knowledge management activities, and aims to discover the key factors that influence knowledge management.
    This research adopts four international pharmaceutical enterprises in Taiwan as case studies and conducts interviews with managers to understand knowledge management influential factors and knowledge management activities. By knowing inside information of knowledge management of the four companies, this research can deliver a more practical and well-organized point of view, giving examples and facts to the future implementation of knowledge management for Taiwan pharmaceutical enterprise. The conclusions of this research are as bellow.
    1. The clearer of the goal in knowledge management and the stronger of connection to the daily process in the company allow knowledge researving and protection activities implemented.
    2. Higher level of organization cooperation and sharing culture leads to higher level of reliance of knowledge among each department, facilitating knowledge to spread more effectively in the company.
    3. The completeness of technolocial facilities helps knowledge researving activities more convenient, knowledge creation activities more smoothing , and knowledge difussion activities more efficient.
    4. The design of performance appraisal influences the knowledge creation and knowledge difussion activities.
    5. The degree of knowledge structure influences the knowledge researving and difussion activities.
    6. Sharing the best practice ficilitates knowledge creation and knowledge difussion activities . This method had gradually become a well-known practice in international pharmaceutical enterprise.
    7. 「Mentor program」 is an important way to extend experienced knowledge. Each company has different approach to conduct 「Mentor program」.
    8. The knowledge protection activity includes intellectual property rights、information system、contracts、data reserved management and data destroyed process, and the degree of compulsory execution is in accordance with the principles of the companies.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0098359004
    Data Type: thesis
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