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Title: | 「無語良師」: 一個數位互動敘事之初探與實踐 The silent mentor: a preliminary delving and practices of digital interactive narration |
Authors: | 賴睿伶 Lai, Rei Ling |
Contributors: | 盧非易 Lu, Feii 賴睿伶 Lai, Rei Ling |
Keywords: | 數位敘事 紀錄片 大體捐贈 無語良師 digital narration documentary body donation silent mentor |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-05 14:28:36 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 「無語良師」是一群已往生者用身體教育醫學院學生的故事。這群慈濟大學醫學院的遺體捐贈者,在生前即自願將遺體作為醫學院學生解剖課程之用,為了能夠完成捐贈,大多數的老師於生命最後都放棄積極性的治療。而學生們不僅要造訪捐者家人,為其立傳,每次課程前也必須向遺體敬禮問訊,並於期末課程結束後,縫合遺體為其穿衣、送靈。其解剖課程兼具醫學與人文,為現代醫學教育中少有之課程模式,這群捐贈者在慈濟大學即稱為「無語良師」或「大體老師」。
數位內容具有「數值化的再現」(numerical representation)、「模組化」(modularity)、「自動化」(automation)、「變異性╱液態化」(variability / liquidity)與「轉碼化」(transcoding)(Manovich,2001)之特性,並以其「非線性」與「節點」等之敘事模式創造互動與多元對話的可能。本研究將爬梳數位互動敘事之原理,並以「無語良師」紀錄片之素材作為原料,以實驗性質,嘗試將原線性敘事之故事轉化為數位互動內容作品。 The Silent Mentor” tells the stories of the body donators who contributed their cadavers to teach the medical students the way to respect and cherish human body. The body donators of the Medical School of Tzu Chi University signed the will to give up any progressive treatment so that they may donate the bodies to the students to carry out surgery practices. Before the students practice dissection they are urged to visit donator’s family and write the life stories of donators, so that students may come to know that they are not dissecting a cadaver but an altruistic spirit and a giving soul. Students bow to the silent mentor every time before practicing dissection. At the end of the practices, students will stitch the body of silent mentor inch to inch, to insure that the body has been reinstated. Aftermath, students put clothes on silent mentors and participate their memorial ceremonies to express their deep gratitude and farewell to silent mentors. The program of dissection that combines both medical knowledge and humanity has been the paradigm of modern medical education. The body donators thus, named as “The Silent Mentor”.
At the time I am producing a documentary on this extraordinary story for Da Ai TV Station, I extensively gather relative data and conduct interviews on this subject. Before I go for editing, the digital narration increasingly becomes an alternative trend of new media technology. It is especially true that the Internet interactive format and interactive DVD have developed the nonlinear narrative advantage and thus, provide an accessible platform for the viewers to mutually interact with the content providers.
Digital content accommodates the characteristics of numerical representation, modularity, automation, variability / liquidity, and transcoding, furthermore, via the nonlinear and plots, it provides the accessibility of multiple and interactive dialogues. My research will aim to delve and develop the principles and techniques of digital interactive narration. Then the documentary of “The Silent Mentor” will be my illustration, from which, I am going to experimentally develop a model describing how would the traditional linear narrative element, which “The Silent Mentor” should be carried, transform into nonlinear digital interactive narrative model. |
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