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    题名: 壓力下的新聞室:權勢消息來源的互動與影響
    Newsroom under pressure: the interaction and influence of news power sources
    作者: 詹慶齡
    贡献者: 蘇蘅
    关键词: 消息來源
    news sources
    resource dependence
    news prodution
    public relationship
    日期: 2010
    上传时间: 2011-10-05 14:28:32 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 政治鬆綁之後的台灣社會,電視新聞逐步走向市場化,台灣電視台百家爭鳴競爭激烈,卻讓呼吸到自由空氣的媒體如今陷入生存窘境,對外部資源的依賴日益加深,掌握媒體生存資源的外部團體因此得以對媒體施展權力,介入新聞產製過程,影響或控制新聞內容。本研究旨在探討當前台灣的電視新聞面對哪些權勢消息來源,媒體與權勢消息來源如何互動,權勢消息來源如何發揮權力影響新聞產製,以及電視新聞如何因此改變工作常規與守門機制。


    (一) 社會權力結構與系統擴大,權勢消息來源型態日趨多元,對媒體施壓手法複雜卻粗糙。

    (二) 電視新聞以市場為導向,媒體主要壓力來源從過去的政治統治者轉移到握有經濟資本的廣告主,如今商業力量已大過傳統的政治控制。

    (三) 強勢的權勢消息來源高高在上,使得記者難以與之互動,雙方權力失衡且缺乏「共舞」意願,「探戈」理論受到挑戰。

    (四) 媒體購買公司興起,取代公關公司,成為與媒體溝通的重要角色。

    (五) 媒體所有權人盤據組織內權力最高點,對媒體組織的影響力持續增強放大當中。
    Political democratization in Taiwan has brought about an era where market forces, not political factors, now dictate television journalism. As commercial competitive forces have intensified, many TV news stations in Taiwan are struggling to survive. Similarly, as TV stations have become increasingly dependent on external resources, these resources now are in a position to exert pressure on TV media by interfering with news production and content.
    The objectives of this thesis are to analyze:
    1). the new power influencers that Taiwan’s TV news stations are facing
    2). the interaction between TV media and these influencers
    3). how the influencers use their power to interfere with the production of TV news
    4). how the power influencers have changed both the routinized work flow of TV media and the role of TV media as gatekeeper

    Through first-person observations and in-depth interviews, the following research conclusions are drawn:

    1. The market influencers that impact TV media have become more complicated as a result of the expansion and openness of Taiwan’s social structure and system. Moreover, the methods through which the influencers interfere with TV media are complex yet crude at the same time.

    2. As market forces are now driving TV media, advertisers have replaced politicians as the primary influencer of TV media, and commercial forces now carry much more clout than political factors.

    3. The “Tango Theory” faces a great challenge in TV media because of the power imbalance between TV journalists and those who wield power over them.

    4. Conglomerates that acquire media companies have replaced public relations firms as the most important stakeholder in media communications.

    5. The power of the “insiders” who wield the greatest influence over TV media is continuing to increase.
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