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Title: | 公關實務工作者如何看待大學公關課程 A study of public relations professionals` views on public relations curriculums in universities |
Authors: | 嚴曉翠 Yen, Hsiao-Tsui |
Contributors: | 陳百齡 嚴曉翠 Yen, Hsiao-Tsui |
Keywords: | 公共關係 公共關係教育 核心知識技能 課程目標 領域知識 情境知識 public relations education core knowledge skills course objectives domain knowledge knowledge of contexts |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-05 14:28:31 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究根據對公共關係實務工作者訪談,瞭解實務工作者認為大學公共關係本科畢業生應具備那些公關核心知識與技能,以及實務工作者對本科教育是否能達成實務專業任用標準的看法。並透過對同時在相關科系兼任授課的實務工作者深度訪談,整理這些具備公關產學雙重身份的受訪者對目前公共關係相關科系在課程目標及課程規劃安排上的看法與建議。
關鍵詞:公共關係、公共關係教育、核心知識技能、課程目標、領域知識、情境知識 This study aims to learn public relations professionals’ 1) perspectives on core knowledge and skills that students majoring in public relations should be equipped with; and 2) viewpoints on whether current university public relations education has been sufficient to assist public relations graduates for related job qualification. Through in-depth interviews with public professionals who currently teach public relations-related courses in universities, I probe their philosophies of teaching, perspectives on course objectives, strategies and plans of teaching.
The results of the study indicate that organization theory and business administration were the frequently mentioned as essential knowledge. Meanwhile, getting to know of ever-changing media environment and ability of agenda setting among various communication contexts were essential capability that had been particularly emphasized by all interviewees. On the other hand, research methods, writing skills, and language proficiency were skills frequently addressed by interviewees. Interviewees point out the importance of advancing public relations students’ ‘domain knowledge’ as well as communication scenarios in public relations education. In other words, for the purpose of understanding the strategies and tools of public relations, ‘knowledge of contexts’ in public relations case studies, instead of knowledge of standard operating procedures of public relations practices, should be provided to students during teaching cases.
This study also shows that public relations graduates have not owned advantages in competing for public relations job applications. However, professionals who also teach in universities tend to value public relations education more and favor recruiting public relations majors than those who haven’t had the experiences of teaching. Interviewees also expressed their concern of lacking of the public relations course objectives, basic course supplement information, and curriculum linkage, it is why they tend to think public relations education still have much room to improve. They stated that students will not be able to grasp the meaning of learning if they have not developed a knowledge map of public relations. In addition, public relations educators’ contributions to the learning of public relations should be better leveraged.
Based on the study, the author offers the following suggestions. 1. Instructors should make teaching objectives and class management strategies clear, as well as course assignments and project arrangement logical. This will benefit lecturers in teaching, students in learning, and public relations professionals, who may serve as guest speakers in class. 2. Department should make the best use of the resources of lecturers from public relations practicum to strengthen the education of both domain and contextual knowledge in the public relations industry. 3. Department should encourage students to take the opportunities of internship programs and to compete for off-campus public relations contests so that students will have chances to reflect what they have learned in classroom. 4. Departments should provide core public relations courses based on what public relations has to offer.
Key words: public relations,education,core knowledge and skills, course objectives, domain knowledge, knowledge of contexts |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院碩士在職專班 93941009 98 |
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