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Title: | 台灣有線電視推動數位化之關鍵成功因素研究 Research for the key success factors of digitization of cable television in Taiwan |
Authors: | 劉瑋婷 |
Contributors: | 陳清河 劉瑋婷 |
Keywords: | 有線電視數位化 關鍵成功因素 數位匯流 cable television digitization key success factors digital convergence |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2011-10-05 14:26:39 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在瞭解台灣有線電視推動數位化關鍵成功因素,首先提出有線電視數位化之困境與問題,建構有線電視數位化應有之關鍵成功因素之指標項目,並透過層級分析法(AHP)之權重分數配比提出良好之關鍵成功因素,以提供本研究結果與建議提供政府單位與相關業者應用與參考。研究方法以文獻分析法、深度訪談、修正式德菲法及層級分析法作為主要研究方式。 文獻分析法主要是蒐集有線電視產業相關中英文學術期刊、相關研究案、論文等資料加以分析;而深度訪談利用分層抽樣與立意抽樣挑選多系統經營者(MSO)、獨立系統經營者及政府單位三大類別共8位具代表性之經營管理者進行訪談;為求AHP更為嚴謹,特別採用修正式德菲法將問卷寄發給15位學者專家代表,針對各項意見進行分析統整並歸納而編製下次問卷,藉此取得共識;層級分析法主要是羅列出有線電視數位化需要決策之問題及相關因素,而後建立其具有相互關係之層級架構並進行信度與效度之檢定。 本研究經過上述研究法得到下列結論:各層面相對權重以技術創新面(43.9%)為首,其次為政策法規面(39.4%)而行銷策略面(16.7%)最低。針對技術創新面研究建議包括:1.公司領導者對有線電視數位化之決心;2.長期營運之資金需求之建議;3.開發高畫質電視(HD)服務之決心;4.數位節目版權費用支出應為列為重要投資項目。而行銷策略面研究建議包括:1.必頇提供更多優質數位頻道給消費者;2.提供民眾免費或低價之數位機上盒為考量方向;3.提供免付費的數位加值應用服務作為誘因。針對政策法規面研究建議:1.政府優先確立關閉類比頻道時程;2.建立有線電視數位化國家級政策;3.研擬收費標準與費率審議政策;4.經營區之調整或重新劃定。 This study is to research the main success factors of digitization of cable television in Taiwan. At first, this study addresses the current dilemma of digtial cable TV. Also, the study constructs the key success indicators of digital cable TV. Moreover, the study adopts the Analytic Hierarchy Process ( AHP) in order to provide the key success factors to the government agencies and related industry for application and reference.This study introduces the document method, the in-depth interview, fixed Delphi method, and AHP for the main research methods. The docunment method is to collect cable television related academic journals, research projects and thesis. Depth interviews apply stratified and purposive sampling to choose multi-system operators (MSO), independent system operators and government agencies as the three main groups, totally eight representative managers for interview. For the AHP result more rigorous propose, the study adopts fixed Delphi method for sending questionnaire to fifteen scholars, and to analyze, integrate and conclude all the opinions in order to compose the second questionnaire for more consensus. The AHP lists the problems or related factors of digitizing cable TV, then built hierarchical structure with mutual relation and processes reliability and validity statistical analysis. This study can conclude to the following results by the above research methods: the most important factor is the technical innovation(43.9%), second is about the government policies (39.4%), and marketing strategy is the lowest(16.7%) priority. Furthermore, suggestions for the technical innovation include: 1. CEO`s determination for cable television digitization; 2. Suggestions of Long term Financial plan. 3. Resolution of developing high-definition (HD) digital service; 4. Digital program copyright cost should be listed as important investment. Suggestions for the marketing strategy include: 1. Offer more high quality digital channels for consumers; 2. Offer audience more low price or free television box; 3. Offer free value-added service as incentives. For government policy suggestions: 1. Government should set a timetable about closing the analog channel; 2.Build national digital cable television regulations; 3. Construct fee standard and rate review regulation; 4.Rezone or revise the cable operators` service area. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 廣播電視學研究所 93453005 97 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093453005 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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