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    Title: An assessment of the strategic use of outer space among China, Russia, and the United States
    An assessment of the strategic use of outer space among China, Russia, and the United States
    Authors: 農凱貞
    Contributors: 趙國材
    Keywords: Space
    International law
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2011-09-29 18:57:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: In 2010, with globalization, and economic integration, the world is brought even closer together by satellite technology. Satellites have revolutionized modern military operations and have become essential to ensuring national security regimes. The number of space faring nations has increased, and the US no longer holds a monopoly in space. With China’s successful ASAT test in 2007 and increasing military buildup and cooperation between China and Russia, the US must carefully develop space policies that do not appear antagonistic and unilateral in an attempt to dominate, otherwise a new cold war in space will ensue.
    Already at the precipice of an all out arms race, the militarization of space has set the stage for the next phase: the weaponization of outer space. In order to prevent this, the laws of outer space should be clear and specifically dictate the rules. Unfortunately, the laws of space are outdated, vague, with marginal controls written before the technology of modern times.
    The hypothesis for this thesis is based on the belief that the current treaties governing space are insufficient, and in order to preserve peace, they must evolve, along with increased international cooperation, communication, and transparency measures to prevent an all out conflict. This thesis is divided into five sections, the first of which provides an introduction and review of the existing legal system in space. This is followed by current issues and growing concerns, a summary of China, Russia and the US’s strategic capabilities, and finally the assessment of international legal regime in place to help mitigate the use of space. In order to ensure space security for all, transparent, multilateral policies should be pursued.
    The militarization of space will continue until it reaches a point of confrontation. In order to preserve the peaceful use of space, arms control agreements and the existing space legislation needs to be clarified and updated. International dialogue must promote progress and advancement in shared technology, not an arms race. Through cooperation and collaborative efforts, the continued development of space can be achieved for the benefit of all.
    Reference: UN Declarations, Resolutions, Legal Principles and Publications
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0959250381
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