題名: | 海外事業行銷方式決定因素之探討 The determinants of overseas marketing strategy in Taiwan FDI manufacturing industry |
作者: | 李率慧 |
貢獻者: | 翁永和 李率慧 |
關鍵詞: | 對外直接投資 海外事業行銷方式 outward foreign direct investment outward FDI overseas marketing strategy |
日期: | 2010 |
上傳時間: | 2011-09-29 18:33:49 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 海外事業行銷方式會影響其經營績效之良窳,本研究主要目的在於探討海外事業行銷方式之決定因素,根據經濟部2007年製造業對外投資實況調查,分別由公司特性、產業特性、地主國特性及營運特性四個構面進行探討,運用二階段Multinomial logit model進行實證分析。經本研究第一階段實證發現,投資地區數、組織型態、最主要投資地區、國內生產毛額及技術來源是影響廠商選擇海外事業行銷方式之重要因素,第二階段再進一步討論選擇母公司行銷、子公司行銷及混合行銷三種自行行銷方式之決定因素,研究結果發現投資年限、投資地區數、海外營業額占比、組織型態、行業類別、經營方式、市場競爭激烈、技術來源、當地銷售占比、外銷接單大陸出貨比率及回銷比率皆為重要影響因素,實證結果供台灣製造業廠商海外事業行銷方式之參考。 The overseas marketing strategy can affect firm’s performance. The main purpose of this study is to explore the determinants of overseas marketing strategy. Using data from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ 2007 survey of foreign investment in manufacturing, this empirical study applies a two-stage multinomial logit model to analyze the issue based on the following four dimensions: company characteristics, industry characteristics, operating characteristics and characteristics of the host country. For the first stage regarding the oversea marketing strategy decision, the empirical results show that the number of investment areas, organization type, key investment areas, and those areas’ GDP and source of technology are important. For the second stage of the parent company marketing decision, a subsidiary marketing and mixed marketing approach, the three kinds of self-marketing study, include investment period, the number of investment areas, overseas sales contribution, the organization type, industry type, mode of operation, market competition, technology source, local sales contribution, export orders delivered by mainland ratio, and reverse ratio are prominent. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 98921046 99 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0989210461 |
資料類型: | thesis |
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