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Title: | 超額減班下國小教師工作壓力與生涯發展 Working pressure and career development of elementary school teachers under class reduction due to a surplus of teachers |
Contributors: | 趙竹成 林顯宗 劉姵汝 Liu, Pei Ru |
Keywords: | 減班 超額 工作壓力 生涯規劃 class reduction surplus of teachers working pressure career planning |
Abstract: | 現今台灣社會由於出生率不斷的下降因素,導致人口銳減,不僅危及國家競爭力,同時也相對嚴重影響國民小學校園內的教師生態,面對此種情勢,衝擊到的是各國民小學必須調整原有教師編制人數,例如減班調動以為因應,超額的問題讓這些資淺教師人心惶惶,讓教師對學校產生不安定感,且使教師無心教學。
關鍵字:減班超額、工作壓力、生涯規劃 Nowadays, due to the decreasing birth rate in Taiwan, the population has been declining, endangering the competitiveness of the country and seriously influencing the ecology for teachers in elementary schools. Under this circumstance, elementary schools being impacted have to adjust their arrangements of teachers. For example, numbers of classes in schools may be reduced. This surplus problem has made junior teachers worried. They don’t believe their jobs are stable in schools, and therefore their minds are not in teaching.
This study adopted a qualitative research method – in-depth interviewing. There were a total of 8 research subjects, including 6 teachers from an elementary school who worried about possible class reduction and 2 teachers who had been transferred to other schools recently. The data obtained from the interviews were analyzed, and the findings of this study are listed below:
1. Teachers were worried very much about the problem of a surplus of teachers. Their worries influenced their teaching and quality of life. Thus, redundant teachers’ perception of this problem had had a serious impact on them, making them feel unsecured.
2. Redundant teachers thought this solution was not fair for junior teachers. No matter how hard they had tried, they still couldn’t escape the fate of becoming redundant. And they were worried about their future after class reduction.
3. Teachers believed that even if they had the intention to make difference, their efforts alone couldn’t change the fate of them becoming redundant. Therefore, teachers still hoped that the government could come up with complete policies to change the environment.
4. The problem of a surplus of teachers had caused redundant teachers’ plans being impacted by the environment. Teachers had to change their life plans. And redundant teachers thought this kind of change was not what they expected for their careers.
5. This study found that teachers believed their specialty was simply teaching. Since they were trained, they had believed that they were destined to be teachers all their lives. On the other hand, they believed that the government would intervene actively, so even if they were transferred to other schools, they wouldn’t be laid off. Thus, they’d rather wait for the government to change policies than adopt other measures actively.
According to the research findings, this study came up with the following suggestions:
1. Suggestions for elementary school teachers: Teachers shall face the challenge of class reduction with an aggressive attitude, develop another specialty to improve their competitiveness, take control of their careers, and make a good plan for their careers.
2. Suggestions for schools: The arrangement in the “Guidelines for Redundant Teachers” shall be reviewed, in order to actively help possible redundant teachers develop other specialties and ease their worries.
3. Suggestions for the education authority: The Department of Education shall actively take measures to resolve the problem of a surplus of teachers, improve teachers’ abilities to change their careers, and provide elementary school teachers some related channels for further study.
Key words: class reduction, surplus of teachers, working pressure, career planning. |
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