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Title: | 我國工時政策的影響與因應 The effects and coping strategies of the Republic of China’s working time policy |
Authors: | 葉璐嘉 |
Contributors: | 王惠玲 葉璐嘉 |
Keywords: | 縮短工時 變形工時 加班 |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-09-29 18:33:33 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 國際勞工組織研究其成員國從1984年至2004年之工時變化,顯示全球化進程,更彈性的形式的工作時間安排,如壓縮工作週,每天輪班可變長度,按年工作時間,彈性工作時間和待命工作,己是國際趨勢。在全球化工時彈性化下,我國勞工縮短工時、變形工時、正常工時放寬及工時法規與產業工時為何,為本文研究主題。另將我國工時政策與德國工時之比較,以供我國工時政策未來發展之參考。
本文研究建議政府工時政策,建應朝每週40小時政策設計,以導正「縮短工時,造成勞動基準法第四章,工作時間、休息、休假專章,法規邏輯之間的予盾,連帶導致工資工作時間計算之複雜性」,進一步推動改善台灣社會階層之間的予盾。為因應產業彈性化,工時政策的彈性化規範,應以時、週、月、季、半年及一年等期間,作為工時彈性的空間。現勞動三法業已執行,中央勞政主管機關應建立勞資協調參考指引,並輔導勞工團體與雇主團體以雙贏的協商策略,規劃適合事業單位本身的工作、休息及假期時間。 ILO research for its member states from 1984 to 2004 about their working hours of Change, shows the process of globalization, more flexible forms of working time arrangements, such as compressed work week, day shift variable length, according to annual working hours, flexible working hours and standby work, has been an international trend. Flexible working hours in the globalization, our country`s shorten working hours, deformation hours, normal working hours to relax regulations and industry working hours and working hours are my research topic. The others our man-hours of work will be compared with the German policy, the policy for the future development of our country`s working-hours will be the reference.
In the depth interviews with individual working hours for individual industries to understand the implementation, awareness (Verstehen), taking into account the history and structure of the research approach, working hours for working hours regulations and industry response to the road, for high technology industry, traditional manufacturing industries, service industries, total 4 cases of qualitative interviews ; the others policies for the development of our country`s working hours for the public sector and labor union leaders is the other two cases of the qualitative interviews. However, the content of qualitative research studies, more subjective, it is supplemented by relevant international organizations, OECD, working hours law and domestic German and Accounting CLA statistics that refer to the relevant units.
About the trend of our working hours, comprehensive case management experience in various industries and government and labor unions and other political views of three interviews, inductive source of confusion in the Taiwan policy of working hours that is the shorter working hours, mainly 90-year policy.The government did not provide a complete package of measures, leading to upgrading Taiwan`s industrial and service sectors during the growth process, the institution is difficult to follow. With the state corporatism, leading to deformation of 91 working hours policy that the industry can not execute. Therefore, `s future work on the proposal should refer to policy planning, development trend of globalization, flexible working hours, in response to Taiwan`s industrial upgrading and changing trends, follow the two spindle development policy and the relationship between competing each other, one for the protection of worker`s the right to health, it`s principles should regulate working hours, and the second flexible response to the global industry, working hours, the policy must also have flexible design. |
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