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Title: | 晚婚女性之擇偶偏好與婚姻態度 Preference in spouse selection and marriage attitude of late-married females |
Authors: | 李慧玲 |
Contributors: | 趙竹成 林顯宗 李慧玲 |
Keywords: | 晚婚 擇偶偏好 婚姻態度 |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-09-29 18:33:30 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 「婚姻」自古以來即為我國重要的傳統禮俗與人生大事,然而近年來隨著社會型態的轉變,生活型態與價值觀念丕變,晚婚或不婚成為人生規劃的另一種抉擇。由於晚婚、甚至不婚的人口急遽增加,在人口結構上已造成少子化、高齡化之現象,對於政治、經濟、社會以及勞動力等各個層面,亦隨之衍生出不同程度的問題,與國家未來的發展更是息息相關,因此該議題值得探究。本研究旨在探討晚婚女性目前的狀態,對於擇偶偏好及婚姻態度的認知、觀點,企圖瞭解形成晚婚的深層因素,並提出建議以供相關人員參考。
能,以正向思考面對婚姻中值得學習之處。 Marriage has since ever been an important traditional custom and a major life event in Chinese culture. However, with social transformation in recent years, life style and sense of value have been dramatically altered. Late marriage or non marriage becomes another option for life planning, causing rapid growth in late-married or non-married population as well as low birth rate and aging society in demographics. It also derives political, economic, social and manpower problems to different extents, which is closely related with national development. Therefore, the issue is worth researching and this study is to discuss current status of late-married females and to learn underlying factors in late marriage from their preference in spouse selection and cognition or perspective on marriage attitude. Suggestions are also proposed for reference of related personnel.
In-depth interview of qualitative research is adopted in this study. Research subjects are 10 in total. All of them are females above 30 years old, have never been married by law definition and live in Taipei City, New Taipei City or Taoyuan County. After interview data are analyzed, findings discovered are summarized as follows:
1.It is commonly regarded that late marriage is the trend of modern society. Facing the choice between advanced studies, career development and marriage life, females place marriage to the last.
2.Life and friends are limited. Passing ideal marriage age is currently the major predicament in spouse selection.
3.The priority of spouse selection is personal criteria, including appearance, physical features and characteristics, followed by capabilities and emotional orientation.
4.In marriage cognition, marriage is considered a necessary path in life. In marriage experience, there are two sheerly different attitudes – positive and negative views both appear. In inclination to marriage, it is prone to stepping into marriage. On the other hand, late-married females whose parents are divorced have negative perspectives on every attitude towards marriage .
Suggestions based on findings discovered are proposed in the following:
1.It is advised that late-married females should avidly participate in activities, develop interests and fulfil selves to make changes in life as well as expand personal relationship to increase chance of meeting male counterparts.
2.Clarify self ideas at an earlier date and constructively plan life paths. Criteria for spouse selection should be based on a practical perspective and personal standard should be appropriately adjusted.
3.Concept of gender role should be correctly established. Multiple roles played by modern females should be respected with traditional requirement imposed on women lifted.
4.It is advised that the society should convey proper marriage education and reassure the value and function of marriage to have a positive view on what is worth learning in marriage. |
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