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Title: | 職場暴力問題與防制措施之比較研究 The comparative study of the issues and prevention measures on workplace violence |
Authors: | 戴聖祐 Tai, Sheng Yu |
Contributors: | 張其恆 戴聖祐 Tai, Sheng Yu |
Keywords: | 職場暴力 職場壓力 職場霸凌 國際比較 Workplace Violence Workplace Stress Workplace Bullying International Comparison |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-09-29 18:30:40 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 2006年6月國際勞工組織(ILO)所公佈名為工作暴力(Violence at Work)的調查報告中指出,不論是在開發中或已開發國家中,職場暴力:包括霸凌 (bullying)、聚眾滋擾 (mobbing)及受到精神狀態不穩定的同事威脅、性騷擾和他殺等在全球出現增加的趨勢,因此職場暴力已被認為是職業危害之一,近幾年逐漸受到社會大眾的注意,現今已經是超越國界、超越各種職業,變成一種全球性的問題,各個先進國家針對職場暴力問題進行了各項調查以及研擬了因應的措施與政策,只求降低職場暴力所帶來的經濟損失和勞工傷亡。但是從我國的勞動政策來看,職場暴力尚未受到相關政府行政單位的重視,由於過去我國主要產業以製造業為主,製造業的職業危害來自於機械以及化學物質,因此職場暴力這一種較容易發生於服務業的職業危害,在實務上缺乏相關研究報告以及調查數據,近年來我國產業逐漸轉向服務業以及高科技產業,職場壓力和職業暴力的隱憂逐漸浮現出來,令人無法輕視以及疏忽。
本研究透過蒐集國際勞工組織、世界衛生組織等國際性機構,有關職場暴力之研究與數據,並且配合美國、英國、加拿大和澳洲等國家的資料進行比較研究,對於職場暴力的定義和類型等基本要素,做了詳細的介紹;另外更是針對職場暴力的事前預防、過程控制以及事後處理等多方面步驟,整理出主要的應變措施。最後針對我國職場暴力政策不足之處,提出了些許的建議,希望透過這些不同的數據以及文獻,能夠對我國職場安全以及勞工安全衛生有些微的助益,並且能讓我國政府開始重視職場暴力的影響,不要讓高職場暴力風險行業的勞工獨自承受暴力的威脅,終日生活在恐懼的陰影之下,讓我國勞工可以享受工作所帶來的充實感,而非冒著生命財產安全受到威脅進入職場。 International Labour Organization published the report(Violence at Work) in June 2006 , in the report , it mentioned whether in developed and developing countries, workplace violence (include: bullying, mobbing, sexual harassment and threat from co-worker with mental illness) increases exponentially over the world. Workplace violence becomes an occupational hazard and receives attention from the community; the issue has already beyond borders and race. All advanced countries survey and draft measures and policy of workplace violence for reduce economic losses and labour casualties. But in our labour policy, workplace violence didn’t receive attention from government agencies. In the past, our country had developed manufacturing industry and noticed the occupational hazard of mechanical and chemical substances, so we don’t do more study and survey with workplace violence. In recent years, our country’s industry toward the service industry and high-tech industry, the worry of workplace stress and workplace violence has surfaced and we can’t despise or neglect it.
This study collects the international agencies’ research and data about workplace violence, and takes the data of United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Australia etc. country to compare. To introduce the definition and type of workplace violence in detail, and summarize the emergency measures for preventing, controlling and redeeming to workplace violence. Finally, to provide the suggestion of the deficiencies in our country’s workplace violence policy. To hope can supply some help to our country’s occupational safety and health, and then the government can start paying attention to the effect from workplace violence. Don’t let the labour face the threat from workplace violence alone and life under the shadow, let them can enjoy the happy from working really. |
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