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Title: | 醫療儀器服務公司:Medi-S創業計畫 Business plan of a medical instrument service company: Medi-S |
Authors: | 張耿華 Chang, Miguel |
Contributors: | 林月雲 Lin, Carol 張耿華 Chang, Miguel |
Keywords: | 醫療儀器 創業計畫 |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-09-29 18:20:20 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 醫療儀器服務公司:Medi-S創業計畫 In northern Taiwan region (Taipei city, new Taipei city, Keelung, E-lan, Hualian, TaoYuan, Hsin-Chu), there are 50 hospitals with 60 Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) systems, 200 Computed Tomography (CT) imaging systems, 700 Ultrasounds imagine systems, 250 Flow cytometers and 70 Chemistry analyzers. The manpower required to maintain or repair those instruments is high, and the shortage of manpower is a common problem for medical instrument companies. According to a medical instrument manager, it is estimated 30% shortage on manpower in medical instrument service industry.
Manpower shortage will cause engineers long over-time and slow response to customer inquiry. Some clinical labs run 24-hour a day and some instruments, like Computed Tomography (CT) imaging system, is operated in emergency room (ER). The business plan is to provide an alternative manpower resource at a competitive price for medical instrument companies. We will offer major two major services: 1.Installation/Relocation 2.Service Contract service and three value-added services including call center service, customer summary report and parts management service to distinguish us from competitors.
The business plan targets to provide service on five medical instruments: Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) system, Computed Tomography (CT) system, Ultrasound imaging system, Flow Cytometer and Chemistry analyzer. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) system, Computed Tomography (CT) system and Ultrasound imagining system are medical imagining system and used to diagnose cancers or examine internal body organ structures. Flow cytometers and Chemistry instruments are used to analyze body fluid like blood or urine to determine a disease. The founders in this business plan are five experienced engineers with wealth of knowledge and skills on those instruments.
The average medical device growth rate from 2005 to 2010 is 5.91% annually, according to Ministry of Economics. We further interview three service managers from leading medical instrument companies; they project the growth rate of their own products are around 10% in average. The future demand for manpower is growing, and Medi-S is a great option for service managers. Service managers in those instrument companies are our primary customers.
Medical instrument service is carried out by manufactures; they outsource some heavy-duty works such as installation or relocation to a third party. In terms of our target instruments, we found there is one competitor: E-company in CT product line, they also provide manpower service for GE Taiwan. To avoid competition on price, we will promote our value-added service to attract attentions from customers.
The company, Medi-S, in this business plan will be formed after Chinese lunar New Year in 2012. According to financial projection, Medi-S will have a positive net income on the second year. Acknowledgement ii
List of table and charts v
1. Executive Summary
1.1 Business opportunity 2
1.2 Objective 2
1.3 Mission 2
1.4 Key to success 2
1.5 Preliminary study 3
2. Company Summary
2.1 About the company 4
2.2 Organization structure and management 4
2.3 Start-Up summary 6
3. Service Summary
3.1 Primary service 7
3.2 Value added services 7
4 Medical Instrument Market
4.1 Growing health care business 12
4.2 Medical instrument market in Taiwan 13
4.3 Target medical instruments 15
4.4 Operation model
4.4.1 Hong Kong model 17
4.4.2 Taiwan model 17
4.4.3 Medi-S model 18
4.5 Competitor analysis 19
5. Marketing Analysis and Strategy
5.1 SWOT analysis 21
5.2 Porter’s Five Force analysis 22
5.3 Positioning strategy 23
5.4 Sales strategy 24
5.5 Service pricing 25
5.6 Sales and forecast 26
5.7 Exit strategy 29
6. Service Quality management
6.1 Service quality 30
6.2 Quality indicators 30
6.3 Continues improvement 33
7. Financial Analysis
7.1 Important Assumptions 35
7.2 Financial Summary 35
7.3 Projected of Income statement 36
7.4 Projected Balance Sheet 37
7.5 Projected Cash Flow 38
I: Medi-S Customer Satisfaction Survey 40
II: Executive Summary Report 41
Reference 42 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營管理英語碩士學位學程(IMBA) 97933025 99 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097933025 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [國際經營管理英語碩士學程IMBA] 學位論文
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