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Title: | 高齡志工參與志願服務動機及管理機制之初探—以北區醫學中心志工隊為例 The research of motivations and management issue on elderly volunteers—case study of medical center in northern Taiwan |
Authors: | 林秀峰 Lin, Hsiu Fong |
Contributors: | 樓永堅 林秀峰 Lin, Hsiu Fong |
Keywords: | 志願服務 高齡志工 參與動機 管理機制 |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-09-29 16:55:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣已步入人口老化國家之行列,根據內政部最新的統計報告,我國截至2010年之統計六十五歲以上人口已占整體人口10.72%,人口老化背後的兩項主因素為出生率的急劇下降及國人平均餘命之延長,此兩項因素所帶給社會的衝擊,包含人力資源之改變及高齡化社會之調適;相當特別的是此問題在高齡者參與志願服務之議題形成聚焦,高齡者踴躍投入志願服務應可以補充部份人口老化後人力資源之缺口,更重要的是在高齡者參與過程中亦可活化各種社會互動網絡之形成;然現今在因應人口老化問題之討論非常蓬勃,但在高齡者參與志願服務之議題仍尚未多見,研究者基於上述因素以「高齡志工參與志願服務動機及管理機制之初探」,希能拋磚引玉使此議題能有更多專家、學者及實務先進共同探討與研究。
根據訪談資料,研究發現高齡者參與醫療志願服務之動機涵蓋安全生理、歸屬、自尊及自我實現各面向需求,由此可見志願服務可提供高齡者不同程度之各需求面向之滿足之平台,並啟動了高齡者了持續積極參與社會之動力;但本研究也同時發現,雖然受訪者大都認為體能體力才是高齡志工參與服務之問題,惟對於高齡志工參與過程中逐漸之體能體力衰退之管理機制,則尚未臻完整與成熟;本研究初步結論認為,包含了高齡志工離隊、離隊前之志願服務協助過程及離隊後活動參與之「高齡志工退場管理機制」,應是高齡志工管理問題之重點,期待透過更多討論與研究,未來能適切而妥善地規劃好管理配套措施,使志願服務成為高齡者持續貢獻社會之助人平台,也是高齡者有尊嚴成功老化之最佳機制。 Taiwan has become one of the countries with an ageing population. According to the last statistical report released by the R.O.C. Ministry of the Interior, the ageing population (above 65 years) had comprised 10.72 % of the total population by 2010. The primary reasons for the ageing population of Taiwan are rapid downturn of the birth rate and the extension of average life expectancy, which have brought huge impacts to the society; including changes in the manpower structure and adjustments for an ageing society. A rather unique facet to this is the issue of elderly participation in volunteering draws high attention from the public. Active elderly volunteers can potentially compensate for partial manpower insufficiency due to the population ageing. More importantly, elderly participants can activate social interaction networks. Although discussion on population ageing is flourishing, few of them focus on elderly volunteers. Accordingly, the author propose “A preliminary investigation on the motives and management mechanism of elderly volunteers,” expecting that this study can encourage further discussion and research by more experts, scholars, and researchers.
This study belonging to the realm of exploratory research, randomly selects five medical centers from eleven medical centers in northern Taiwan, and incorporates the medical center the author services; volunteer managers and elderly volunteers who served in these six medical centers are our subjects. Based on volunteering in large medical centers, this paper investigates the motives and current problems and challenges of elderly volunteering from the perspectives of volunteer managers and senior elder volunteers, as well as the impacts of the current management mechanism on elderly volunteers and volunteer managers. The objectives of this study are expressed as follows: (1) to understand the motives and demands of elderly volunteers that can serve as a basis for organizations with volunteers to draft a voluntary service plan; (2) to develop suitable management mechanism for elderly volunteers; and (3) to enable the elderly to participate in voluntary services successfully and continuously.
The interviews collected by this study found that the motives of elderly medical volunteers can be categorized into various dimensions, including physical safety, a sense of belonging, self-esteem, and self-fulfillment. Accordingly, volunteering can provide different levels of satisfaction for the elderly, encouraging them to continuously participate in society. This study also found that although the majority of subjects believed that physical strength is a challenge for the elderly in volunteering, a management mechanism for the physical strength decline of elderly volunteers during the participation process is not yet complete or mature. The preliminary conclusions of this study suggest that a withdrawing management mechanism for elderly volunteers - including the exiting of the elderly from voluntary service, the volunteering process before exiting voluntary service, and participation in activities after exiting voluntary service - should be the key to solving the elderly volunteer management challenges. The author expect that further discussion and research can contribute to a suitable and well-organized supplementary measure that enables volunteering to become a platform for the elderly, and is the optimal mechanism for the elderly to age with dignity. "第一章 緒 論
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 研究動機 3
第三節 研究目的與待答問題 5
第四節 重要名詞釋義 6
第二章 文獻探討
第一節 高齡志工之意涵 7
第二節 高齡者參與志願服務之相關理論 14
第三節 台灣醫院高齡志工運用之現況分析 18
第三章 研究方法
第一節 資料蒐集的方法與工具 20
第二節 受訪對象選取與研究過程 23
第三節 資料分析方法 27
第四章 研究分析與發現
第一節 受訪者的基本資料分析 36
第二節 高齡者參與志願服務動機及其意涵 47
第三節 醫療高齡志工服務管理之探討與分析 62
第五章 研究結論與建議
第一節 研究結論 102
第二節 研究建議 110
第三節 研究限制 116
參考書目 117
附件一:訪談大綱 120
附件二:高齡者志願服務工作強度評量表 122 |
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