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Title: | 企業導入關鍵顧客管理之研究 以某記憶體公司為例 The study of key account management |
Authors: | 王意騏 Wang, Yi Chi |
Contributors: | 季延平 陳宗天 王意騏 Wang, Yi Chi |
Keywords: | 關鍵顧客管理 記憶體產業 Key Account Management Memory Industry |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-09-29 16:49:09 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | Capon在2001年的著作中提到,傳統業務制度即將面臨各項挑戰,而為了滿足可能面臨的各種內部與外部壓力,組織必須做出流程與制度上的變革。然而,在有限的資源下,企業必定無法滿足所有客戶的各種要求,因此,透過「關鍵顧客管理計畫」篩選出關鍵客戶,並且對不同的客戶施以差別資源的分配與服務,讓組織在有限資源的狀況下,能夠產生最佳的市場表現與組織績效,這一套方法便被視為能有效提昇企業服務品質與顧客滿意度的良藥。本研究藉由深度訪談,了解個案公司在經營關鍵顧客的三個面向(關鍵顧客管理流程、關鍵顧客管理制度、以及關鍵顧客所需價值的滿足程度),據此評估個案公司關鍵顧客管理計畫的完整程度,並且在最後對該公司提出幾項需改進的部分的與建議,分別是:關鍵顧客分級制度不明確、預算分配制度不明確、上下游資訊系統彼此沒有連線、信用額度管理審核過程不夠透明、風險管理的不足與文件規範化不足導致資訊的存取困難‧‧‧等六項建議 As Capon mentioned in his publication at 2001, Traditional Business architecture is facing some new different challenges, which organization has to improve their system and procedure to deal with. Nevertheless, company will not be able to satisfy all the needs from customer under the limited resources. Therefore, filtering “Key Accounts” (a.k.a. KA) by Key Account Management (a.k.a. KAM) planning and serving KA with customized service level can help company improve their service quality and increase KA’s satisfaction efficiently. This research reveals P Company’s progress toward three dimensions (including procedure of KAM, system of KAM and customer satisfaction toward P Company’s KAM planning) by depth interview, to analyze P Company’s KAM completion, and point out the weakness of P Company’s KAM plan(including 1.Classification system of KAM is not clear 2. Budget allocation system is not clear 3.Information system of all supply chain are not connected and synchronized 4. Review mechanism of distributor` credit lines are not complete 5. Risk management system are not complete 6. Internal document are not formatted and stored properly) for P Company’s senior Manager as a reference to improve their KAM plan, also competitiveness in market and KA’s satisfaction. |
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