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Title: | 在影像中遊走:城市行銷觀點下的台北城市空間及其影像再現 Roaming in images: Taipei city space and its cinematic representation from the perspective of city marketing |
Authors: | 羅立芸 Lo, Lih Yun |
Contributors: | 陳儒修 羅立芸 Lo, Lih Yun |
Keywords: | 電影 台北 城市空間 城市行銷 film Taipei city space city marketing |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2011-09-29 16:27:54 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 2008年台北市電影委員會的成立,及台北市文化局補助電影製作案的推行,象徵著台北市政府對於電影作為城市行銷方式採取的積極作為。本研究試圖探究此一因應全球化所引發的城市行銷風潮,在政府正視與政策鼓勵的大環境影響之下,電影中的台北城市空間呈現之樣貌。透過回顧文獻與資料蒐集、分析主要文本,及相關之深度訪談等方式,以台北市文化局補助電影製作案之影片為研究對象,進行分析探討。
研究顯示,台北市政府文化局行銷台北意象之補助政策,與台北市電影委員會之協拍服務,皆對於電影中的台北城市空間呈現造成影響,並形成一種台北城市空間的新興體驗方式。由於行銷台北意象之政策訴求,使得電影中的台北城市空間產生了觀光化的趨勢;對於具有獨特性的台北意象之鼓勵,使得台北城市空間在影片呈現上更趨多元。而台北城市空間與其影像呈現,便在互動的過程中,交織成一個不斷變化的動態結構。台北市電影委員會的協拍機制,使得電影中的台北城市空間,能有不同以往的呈現角度與宣傳可能。台北市文化局對於國際合製的政策鼓勵,亦使得電影中的台北城市空間得以納入多樣的思考觀點,並在海外電影城市行銷上取得先機。行銷台北意象之政策與宣傳方式,則促成了台北城市空間之新體驗。電影作為城市行銷工具,不僅帶動觀光效益,亦使得同時體驗真實與電影城市空間成為可能。而透過網路聯結的電影場景與台北城市空間,則能藉由影像賦予城市的不同氛圍,體驗電影為台北城市空間帶來的多樣感受。 In 2008, Taipei City Government showed a positive attitude towards film as a city marketing strategy by offering film subsidies and establishing the Taipei Film Commission. This research attempts to explore the cinematic city space under incentive policies to the wave of city marketing in accordance with globalization. The subsidized films would be subjects of study, analyzed by using literature review, textual analysis and semi-structural interviews as research methods.
The result of the research shows that incentives made a great impact on the cinematic city space of Taipei and formed a new way of experiences. As a result of the policies of marketing Taipei, the cinematic city space of Taipei becomes Tourist-oriented as well as promotes unique images of Taipei. The interaction of city development and cinematic city space of Taipei interlace a changeable dynamic structure. The active support of Taipei Film Commission helps to make the cinematic city space of Taipei differently in shooting and publicity. Transnational co-production of film policies subsumes various points of view and heads start in city marketing overseas. Film as a tool of city marketing not only drives tourism benefits, but also realizes in experiencing real and cinematic city space at the same time. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 廣播電視學研究所 97453007 99 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0097453007 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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