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Title: | 地方創新環境與創新成效之研究 |
Authors: | 龔欣平 |
Contributors: | 邊泰明 龔欣平 |
Keywords: | 區域創新系統 創新成效 競爭力 |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-09 16:25:21 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近幾十年來,受到全球化與資訊化的影響,知識的創新能力表現成為競爭力優劣的重要指標,國家或地區經濟發展競爭力高低,與其全球化優勢息息相關,而全球化競爭優勢能力又取決於其創新成效表現高低。台灣在全球化的浪潮及大陸開放競爭下,地方傳統產業在此衝擊下面臨倒閉或出走。在這充滿變數與挑戰的階段,本文從區域創新系統角度探討地方創新環境與其創新能力表現對競爭力的影響。 本研究藉文獻探討及台灣地區鄉鎮市之基礎數據資料分析研究,以創新系統觀點探討影響地方創新成效的關鍵因素,並據此選定衡量創新成效指標,再針對台灣區域地方環境、產業發展及國內創新環境現況,探討目前地方創新活動的狀況與設施,建構台灣地區地方創新系統指標。再利用多變量分析方法進行實證分析,利用因子分析取得代表地方創新環境與區域發展特徵之因素,並將其萃取出創新能力因子,作為劃分創新能力集群之根據,分為高、低創新成效地區;最後印證創新成效表現優異地區,其所具有創新能力之特質與創新成效表現優劣間之相關性。 本研究實證結果如下:一、影響創新成效主要因素為製造業產業群聚與支援性服務設施;二、高度創新成效地區皆坐落於新竹以北地區;三、創新能力因子指數與專利數產出量不一定成正相關,創新能力因子指數高僅代表該地區環境具有利於產業間分享知識技術交流的能力與潛力,但此種能力不一定表現在專利數產出量多寡,而須倚賴觀察該地區的各項創新活動狀況;四、創新能力因子指數高地區,近3年(93-95)來的專利數產出遠超過過去10年(83-92),推論地區內產業及創新設施已成熟,再加上智慧財產權保護觀念普及,促使專利數量大增;五、鄰近創新成效較高之地區,使其創新成效表現低卻屬於高度創新成效地區,推論其因位置直接毗鄰高度創新成效地區,受地理鄰近性影響甚大。 最後建議政府應協助各地區地方政府鼓勵產業投資發展,提高地方創新研發動能,並積極輔導大學與育成中心提高其育成與輔導的效率,未來更應建立媒合大學及育成中心與產業界之合作機制,以推動產、官、學、研各種人才流通,提高研發創新能力。 In the past few decades, the influence of globalization and informationization has made the ability to generate innovations in knowledge a key benchmark in competitiveness. The competitiveness of a country or region`s economy is now closely linked to its global advantage. This global competitiveness, in turn, hinges on its ability to innovate. In Taiwan, the impact of globalization and China`s market liberalization has seen local traditional industries either shut down or move elsewhere. In a time filled with uncertainties and challenges, this study seeks to examine the effect of a regional innovation environment and its innovation capability on competitiveness from a regional innovation system perspective. In this study, we review and analyze the basic data from Taiwan`s regional areas and examine the key factors influencing the effectiveness of regional innovation. This was then used to select the indicators for evaluating innovation performance. Taiwan`s regional environment, industry development and the current state of the domestic innovation environment were then examined to determine the current state and infrastructure of regional innovation activities to construct a set of regional innovation system indicators for Taiwan. Empirical analysis was performed utilizing multivariate analysis. First, factory analysis was used to extract the factors that represent the regional innovation environment and regional development characteristics. From these, we determine the innovation capability factors, and use these to define the innovation capability clusters. These clusters were then separated into high and low innovation effectiveness regions. Finally, we examine the areas with high innovation effectiveness and determine the correspondence between their innovation characteristics and their innovation performance. The empirical results from this study were as follow: 1. The main factors influencing innovation effectiveness were industry clustering and support services & infrastructure; 2. The regions with high innovation effectiveness were all located north of Hsinchu; 3. The innovation capability factor index may not correspond directly to patent output. A high innovation capability factor index only indicates that a region possesses the capability and potential to facilitate the sharing of knowledge and technology between industries. This capability may not necessarily be reflected in the patent output, but is instead, depends on the innovation activities being conducted in the region; 4. In regions with high innovation capability factor indices, their patent output in the past 3 years (2004~2006) far exceed the preceding decade (1994~2003). We hypothesize that the maturity of their local industries & innovation infrastructure, as well as widespread understanding of intellectual property rights, encouraged the rapid increase in the number of patents; 5. Some regions near highly innovative regions perform less effectively even though they are part of the same area. We hypothesize that this is directly caused by their geographical proximity to highly innovative regions. Finally, we recommend that the government provide assistance for regional governments to encourage investment in industrial developments and boost local innovative R&D capabilities. Assistance should also be provided to universities and incubation centers to improve their incubation & assistance effectiveness. In the future, a cooperative mechanism for linking universities, incubation centers and the industry should be set up as well to boost the capability for innovative R&D by encouraging the free flow of expertise between the industry, government, academic and research sectors. |
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Data Type: | thesis |
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