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Title: | 銀行理財手續費收入決定因素之研究 A Study on the Factors Determining the Handling Fee Income of Banks |
Authors: | 張庭瑜 Chang, Ting Yu |
Contributors: | 黃智聰 Huang, Jr Tsung 張庭瑜 Chang, Ting Yu |
Keywords: | 銀行 理財手續費收入 |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-09 15:38:40 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 過去幾年銀行過度(overbanking)成為國內銀行報酬率下跌的最大原兇,然近期多家金融業者仍競相透過整併方式擴大分行通路與市占率,分行數目的多寡又成為金融業者關注的焦點。這說明在顧客與銀行往來上,實體通路仍有其影響力及必要性,特別是財富管理業務之興起,與顧客面對面的接觸及交流對於業務之拓展尤其重要,分行的價值因此重新受到重視。
過去國外區位研究相關文獻,多以經濟觀點如人口特性、競爭因素、分行特性等作為指標,以測度區位與經營績效之相關性,而國內銀行營業據點區位相關文獻則多探討分行區位因素、設點決策流程或經濟規模與否,目前尚無相關文獻探討銀行理財手續費收入與區位要素之關係。本文採用分行所在地人口數為地區覆蓋率的衡量指標,以台灣地區22縣市161家分行資料,使用最小平方法(Ordinary Least Squares,OLS)進行實證估計。研究結果發現地區覆蓋率係數估計值為正相關,惟不顯著,此應與金融機構於各縣市設立分支機構時,即以該縣市區域內人口數相對較多之鄉鎮(區)為設點之首選,此一選擇標準縮小地區覆蓋率之差異,而無法顯現出地區覆蓋率對分行理財手續費收入之影響。
在本研究中同時加入實證模型的其他解釋變數對於銀行理財手續費收入有顯著的作用,包括了地區財富度、本行分行數、分行租金與銀行理財手續費收入具有正向效果,而競爭對手分行數及分行商圈範圍則不利於銀行理財手續費收入之成長。 Overbanking once caused low reward for domestic banks. Recently, however, many financial holding companies (FHC) struggled to increase branches and market share through mergers and acquisitions. It indicated that physical stores are of influence and necessity, especially for emerging wealth management business. Most foreign literatures on branch location research measured the correlation between branch location and operation performance in terms of population, competition and branch feature, etc. On the other hand, most domestic literatures focused on branch location features, decision-making flow and economic scale, etc. This is the first work that studies the relationship between wealth management handling fee and branch location. This work uses population of branch location as measurement of area coverage, and takes data of 161 branches from 22 counties in Taiwan. Ordinary least squares (OLS) method is used for empirical estimation. The study shows that area coverage and the estimation are positive (though not strongly) correlated. The reason should be that branches are chosen to locate at places with more population than others, and this criterion stops us from observing the influence of area coverage on handling fee income. This work also includes other explanation factors that have evident effect on handling fee income. Area wealth, number of self-owned branches and branch rent have positive correlation with handling fee income, while number of competitor`s branches and shopping district around branch suppress the growth of handling fee income. |
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Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095921032 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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