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    Title: 工友待遇合理化之研究-以臺北市政府工務局水利工程處為個案研究
    Research of Rationalizing Worker Compensation--Case Study of Hydraulic Engineering Office, Public Works Department of Taipei City Government
    Authors: 盧錫珠
    Contributors: 孫本初
    Keywords: 工友
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2010-12-09 15:25:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 我國行政機關向採「員工分制」之管理模式,職務設計不同、待遇條件迥異的工友角色因機關生態蛻變,加上「勞動基準法」打破工友管理制度之原始設計,賦予工友組織工會之團結權,間接造成工友與公務人員待遇、福利及管理上的失衡,為解決困擾,行政院人事行政局在多方考量下,以「工友管理要點」取代「事務管理規則」,但「工友管理要點」之位階不及「勞動基準法」,導致工友管理上產生許多紛擾。

    Our government agency adopts the different patterns in managing civil servants and workers. The role of workers has different positions and compensation conditions because the agency environment has changed rapidly; moreover, the Labor Standards Act breaks the initial worker management regulations, which allows the united rights of workers organizing a union, and indirectly causes the imbalance between the workers and civil servants on compensation, benefits and management. In order to find the solution, Central Personnel Administration tried to consider and adopt the ”Worker Management Plan” to replace the ”Affairs Management Regulation”; however, the law level of ”Worker Management Plan” is not as ”Affairs Management Regulation”, which encounters a lot of problems on managing workers.

    The government expenses come from a budget. The compensation, benefits and related management regulations are decided by Central Government and applied to every agency all over the country. Before the legislature agency applies the “Labor Standards Act” to work rights of workers, it went through a several times of canvass already. The compensation, benefits and labor conditions are regulated by the “Affairs Management Regulation ” and ”Civil servants, Military personnel and Teachers on Compensation Plan”, and within the right and interest protection. Whichever the national government administrative agencies assume “Labor Standards Act” and related codes, are not only the working conditions of the ”Worker Management Plan” which is superior to the “Labor Standard Act” (which hasn’t been modified), but also the ones below which are adjusted co-operatively. Furthermore, with the mechanism of labor and capital negotiation and the operation of labor unions, this enables the worker compensation conditions to upgrade and reduce the management space of government agencies.
    Reference: 中文部分
    1. 全國法規資料庫:http://law.moj.gov.tw
    2. 行政院勞工委員會:http://cla.gov.tw
    3. 行政院人事行政局:http://www.cpa.gov.tw
    4. 臺北市政府人事處:http://www.dop.taipei.gov.tw
    5. 臺北市政府工務局水利工程處:http:/www.heo.taipei.gov.tw
    6. 自由時報,96年5月9日,A13W
    7. 蘋果日報,96年5月10日,生活A16版

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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0089921053
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文

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