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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/49968

    Title: 台灣上市網路設備製造商在中國大陸發展之競爭與瓶頸
    The rising competition and developmental bottleneck of Taiwan’s public listed networking equipment manufacturers in mainland China
    Authors: 蔡德豐
    Tsai (T.T.),TeFeng
    Contributors: 趙國材

    John, Chao
    Tsai (T.T.),TeFeng
    Keywords: 網通
    Network Communication
    Network communication equipment manufacturer
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2010-12-09 15:16:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 網路通訊設備製造業是屬於台灣大宗出口的產業之一。 近年來廠商逐漸的將工廠搬遷至中國大陸。 經過多年的成長, 競爭和瓶頸也都一一的浮現。

    我的研究初始是點出這些廠商所面臨的瓶頸, 包括了台灣內部和中國大陸外部的因素。 其它如政府過渡的管制, 技術的瓶頸對廠商所造成成長上的限制等。 進而研究到中國大陸網路通訊產業新興的競爭廠商。 最後希望以我個人的見解提議兩岸應當不是競爭對立, 而是一起提出世界級的技術規格進而提高產品的利潤, 製造雙贏的局面。

    The networking equipment manufacturing is an important industry in Taiwan, it accounts for a great portion of the net export. Over the years, these manufacturing facilities had been gradually moved to mainland China. After years of development, there are some bottlenecks appear and competitors arise.

    My study will be identifying these bottlenecks, both internally in Taiwan and external factors in China. Others like over regulation or technology barrier that may hinder the growth of industry. Further on the studying of emerging mainland networking manufacturers. Despite of competition, eventually I hope to suggest the industry in joint developing the world class standard to create a win-win situation for this industry on both side of strait.

    I will start with an introduction of what is this industry making to sell.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095925019
    Data Type: thesis
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