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    Title: 從官僚行政到公共治理:一個社會學的考察
    From bureaucracy administration to public governance: a sociological perspective
    Authors: 吳宗霖
    Wu, Zong Lin
    Contributors: 顧忠華
    Ku, Chung Hua
    Wu, Zong Lin
    Keywords: 官僚制
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2010-12-09 14:43:10 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 當代的治理論述若持續侷限在以行政觀點為主軸的治理論述中,將會是對落實善治理想的不利條件與危機來源。但這並不表示治理就是一個不值得被討論的概念,事實上,現行治理理論的價值在於,它補充了韋伯官僚制論述中較被忽略的公民社會力量的部份。
    It will be crises to make a society step into the “good governance” stage if the modern governance theory still confined in the public administration theoretical perspective. But it doesn’t means the modern governance theory is valueless to be discussed. In fact, the modern governance theory stressed on the role of civil society in the governance situation, and which was ignored by Max Weber’s bureaucracy theory.
    In Weber’s opinion, only the member of parliament could have the chance to communicate with the civil society and bureaucracy, and only the member of parliament have the power to take the responsibility of political communication. Later the public administration theory interpreted Weber’s viewpoint as “the separation of politics and administration theory” and made the traditional bureaucracy become a trouble maker.
    In the viewpoint of governance theory, what politics represents will be a community for the future direction of the collective decision-making process, no one should not unload the political responsibility actual, whether public servants within the bureaucracy or in civil society civilians. The governance theory expanded the elite democracy theory, the problematics of politics is no longer the question how political elite will carry out their wills, but how to integrate the pluralistic political ideology into one coordinated consensus. This may take the Third Sector from the governanace theory to obtain the confirmation in the role which in the community policy forming process acts.
    Looking at the current Taiwan`s political society, civil society must break the force in addition to the legacy of past authoritarian rule chains, but also must take the initiative to give guidance and supervision of bureaucracy, then the administrative system will be socialized, as administrative and social interaction through the mechanism of the Third Sector to find its source of legitimacy
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