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Title: | 清潔發展機制之國際政治經濟學分析:以歐盟與中國為例 An international political economy analysis of the clean development mechanism: A comparative study of the EU and China |
Authors: | 陳俊仰 Chen, Chun Yang |
Contributors: | 李河清 Lee, Ho Ching 陳俊仰 Chen, Chun Yang |
Keywords: | 清潔發展機制 國際政治經濟學 比較政治 京都議定書 中國 歐盟 Clean Development Mechanism international political economy comparative politics Kyoto Protocol China EU |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-09 14:04:56 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 清潔發展機制作為京都議定書中的一種彈性機制,普遍被認為將為溫室氣體排放減量所引起的「環境保護─經濟發展」與「北─南」衝突帶來雙贏的結果。支持者認為,其為附件一締約方提供達成溫室氣體減排經濟成本較低的方法,也同時為非附件一締約方引進資金與技術。然而,本研究運用國際政治經濟學的分析,提出因為各自要素禀賦的不同,清潔發展機制實行後的利弊損益將不會公平的分配於清潔發展機制項目的投資方與東道方間,因而導致某些負面的效果:其將阻礙投資方境內減排措施的推動,與導致東道方在技術上的依賴。而透過對投資方與東道方內部排放權提供者與技術研發者間互動的分析,再輔以中國與EU-15的實證資料,可以證實本研究的假設並較為清楚地說明其背後之原因。最後,本研究將討論中國政府與EU-15各自如何以政治力介入市場機制的運作,以試圖處理這樣市場機制運作所導致的弊病。 Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) as a Kyoto flexible mechanism was believed to provide a win-win solution to the conflicts, which result from cutting down greenhouse gas emissions, between wheather ecology & economy or North & South. The proponents believe the implementation of CDM is cost-efficient for the Annex I Parties to achieve their Kyoto commitments and can also introduce capital & technology into the non-Annex I Parties. However, by international political economic analysis, the difference in factors endowments between CDM invest parties and host parties will result in unequal distribution of gains & pays between them. This causes some negative effects: CDM will deter the implementation of domestic emissions reduction in the invest parties, and it will also make technological dependence in the host parties. Through analyzing the interactions between emission allowance providers & technology innovators in the invest & host parties and with empirical data from China & EU-15, the assumptions of this study is proved and the causation is clarified. At last, the governmental interventions, which are trying to modify the negative effects result from the operation of market mechanism, by China and EU-15 are brought into discuss perspectively. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 政治研究所 95252002 98 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095252002 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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