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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/49895

    Title: 背德的聖像---論恥感情緒對西方近現代繪畫美學之影響
    Immoral Icons:A Study of the Influence of Shame Emotion on the Aesthetics of Western Modern Painting
    Authors: 李雅琪
    Lee, Ya-Chi
    Contributors: 阮若缺
    Juan, Rachel
    Lee, Ya-Chi
    Keywords: 恥感
    Shame Emotion
    Shame Image
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-12-09 12:30:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 此篇論文研究以恥感情緒作為創作手法的七位重要畫家庫爾培、馬內、克林姆、羅特列克、畢卡索、馬格利特、以及培根,分析此一時期現象之因,其發展形式為何,探討恥感圖像的延續脈絡與終極目標,以及對繪畫藝術史進程有何獨特意義。對照特定創作圖像的恥感意識之源,與畫家人格與作品之社會回饋,了解畫家所開創之藝術性影響。筆者以分析理論基礎、視覺與美學理論、畫家專述三大部份的文獻資料,探索畫家重大生命事件與社會氛圍,以研究西洋近現代繪畫史中獨特的發展時期,發現恥感圖像,為畫家逃避現實的另類語法,恥感情緒於畫面的舒展,深深地影響了西方近現代繪畫,並成為當代廣為接受的形式。
    This thesis studies the shame emotions as an important creative technique used by seven famous artists: Gustave Courbet, Édouard Manet, Gustav Klimt, Henri Raymond de Toulouse-Lautrec, Pablo Picasso, René François Ghislain Magritte, and Francis Bacon. The researcher aims to analyze the origin of this phenomenon in this period and the form of development of the shame images. The researcher also discusses the extensile sequence and ultimate goal of the shame images, and the special meanings to the process of the history of painting. By comparing the sources of the shame feelings of the specific creative images, realizing the social feedback of painters’ personalities and their works, the researcher tries to understand artistic effects created by the artists. Moreover, the researcher explores the artists’ important life events and the social atmosphere as the theoretical basis to learn the visual and aesthetic theories, painters’ documents, and this unique period of history of western modern art. And find that the shame image is the alternative linguist for artists to escape. Using the shame emotions to compose the picture had been influencing the western modern painting deeply, and becomes a popular art form contemporary.
    Furthermore, inner part of the shame images had deeper and more fascinating meanings and associations than we now realize. They made up a language of pattern used by artists to convey ideas about complex human life by the path of the sublimation of ashamed. The shame images show us the shame not the shame itself. Images are not the things shown but are representation thereof: re-representation. What shame images represent may otherwise not exist in the indecent reality and may instead be confined to the realm of imagination, depress, desire, dream, or sexual fantasy. And yet, of course, any image from the shame emotion exists as an object within the aesthetic of painting that it in one way or another engage, what we see is the product of human consciousness, itself part and parcel of culture and history of art.
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