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    Title: 後設認知閱讀策略訓練對國中生英語閱讀理解及態度的效益研究
    The effects of metacognitive reading strategy training on English reading comprehension and attitudes of junior high school students
    Authors: 曾鈺惠
    Tseng, Yu Hwei
    Contributors: 余明忠
    Yu, Ming Chun
    Tseng, Yu Hwei
    Keywords: 後設認知閱讀策略
    Metacognitive Reading Strategies
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2010-12-09 12:24:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究的目的在探討後設認知閱讀策略在EFL國中生英語閱讀上的效益。尤其是探究此訓練對高、低分組學生後設認知閱讀策略的使用差異,對英語閱讀觀點及理解之影響,以及學生對後設認知閱讀策略訓練所作的回應。
    本研究以新竹縣某國中的一個七年級班級30位學生為研究對象,將學生分為高分組及低分組。這些學生接受為期四週的三種後設認知閱讀策略訓練 (分別為文意圖像策略、預測策略、總結策略)在英語閱讀上之運用。
    1. 後設認知閱讀策略訓練能有效提升高分組及低分組兩組在後設認知閱讀策略上的使用。
    2. 後設認知閱讀策略訓練有助於改善高分組及低分組的英語閱讀理解,學生們對後設認知閱讀策略訓練在閱讀理解方面的效益,皆抱持肯定的態度,尤其是低分組學生。
    3. 後設認知閱讀策略訓練有助於高分組及低分組的學生,尤其是低分組學生,建立更正確的英語閱讀觀念。
    4. 大部分的學生對於後設認知閱讀策略訓練的效益皆表示肯定的態度,並且樂於運用這些後設認知閱讀策略於英語閱讀上,且樂於學習新的閱讀策略。
    The purpose of the present study is to investigate the effects of metacognitive reading strategy training (MRST) on junior-high-school students’ EFL reading. Specifically, the differences of metacognitive reading strategy use between HPG and LPG, perceptions of reading, English reading comprehension, and their responses to the metacognitive reading strategy training (MRST) are probed.
    The participants of this study were thirty junior high school students from one seven-grade class in Shingchu C. The participants were divided into high-proficient group and low-proficient group. These participants received the four-week training (MRST) with three metacognitive reading strategies (semantic mapping, prediction, and summarizing) in reading English texts. In the data collection, the differences between HPG and LPG in metacognitive reading strategy use in the pre-treatment and post-treatment were compared and analyzed qualitatively. Also, HPG and LPG students’ reading performance in reading comprehension tests between the pre-treatment and post-treatment were analyzed quantitatively. In addition, students’ perceptions toward the effects of the MRST were analyzed qualitatively.
    Based on the data analyses, the findings of the study are summarized as follows:
    1. The MRST was effective in enhancing both HPG and LPG readers’ metacognitive awareness of strategy use.
    2. The MRST helped improve both HPG and LPG readers’ comprehension in reading English texts, and students, especially LPG, had positive attitude toward the effectiveness of the MRST in improving reading comprehension.
    3. The MRST helped both groups of students, especially LPG readers, have more correct perceptions toward English reading.
    4. Most of the students exhibited positive attitude toward the effectiveness of the MRST and showed their willingness to apply the learned metacognitive reading strategies as well as to learn new reading strategies in English reading.
    Finally, some pedagogical implications and suggestions are provided on the basis of the findings in this study.
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