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Title: | 臺北縣立公立國中開放學區決策準則建構之研究 A study on constructing the decision criteria of open enrollment in Taipei County |
Authors: | 洪燈旭 |
Contributors: | 吳政達 洪燈旭 |
Keywords: | 學校選擇權 開放學區 決策準則 open enrollment school choice decision criteria |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-09 09:43:38 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究主要探討國內家長學校選擇權發展情形及實施現況,並深入瞭解臺北縣公立國中現行之學區分發入學制度,以建構臺北縣公立國中開放學區入學的決策準則。研究方法部分,先以文獻分析歸納臺北縣開放學區決策準則五大構面與二十四項準則項目,再以模糊德菲術問卷進行調查。模糊德菲術調查樣本為三十八位教育行政官員、校長、教師及家長代表,本研究透過三角模糊數整合專家對準則重要性之看法並以適切性篩選準則項目,最後以歸一化之方式求得各構面以及各項目權重,完成臺北縣開放學區決策準則建構。根據研究之結果與分析,歸納主要結論如下: 1. 「開放學區」是臺北縣公立國中學區制度未來發展可行且具重要性的政策。 2. 臺北縣實施「開放學區」的五項第一層級決策準則構面依序為:「學校因素」、「配套措施」、「交通因素」、「教育設施」、「地理環境」。 3. 「校園安全」、「交通安全」、「學校招生過多或不足的解決方式」、「學生學業成績表現」、「降低班級學生數」是臺北縣實施「開放學區」優先考慮的五項第二層級決策準則項目。 4. 改變現行學區劃分制度,仍需民間單位及家長提出更多家長選擇 權的需求。 The purpose of this study is to construct a set of standards for the decision-making of open enrollment in Taipei County. To achieve this purpose, this study adopts three methods, including literature analysis, questionnaires investigation and Fuzzy Delphi method. First, the literature review is used to obtain initial indicators; then Fuzzy Delphi method is used to collect opinions from experts in open enrollment, which are to examine the degree of importance and suitability of initial indicators. The practical decision criteria suitable for open enrollment are therefore produced. The conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. Open enrollment policy is feasible and important for the development of school district system of public senior high schools in Taipei County. 2. The decision criteria of open enrollment include five areas : school, supplementary measure, traffic, facilities and environment. 3. The most important five indicators for decision-making of open enrollment are: safety in campus, traffic safety, the solution of shortage of students or over, academic performance, reducing the number of students in a class. 4. It needs parents to bring up the demand of “parents’ choice” to change current school district system. |
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