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    Title: 國民中學校長分散式領導與學校教育成效關係之研究
    The Research of the Relationships between Distributed Leadership and Educational Outcomes in Junior High Schools
    Authors: 陳怡卉
    Yi-Hui Chen
    Contributors: 張奕華
    Chang, I-Hua
    Yi-Hui Chen
    Keywords: 國民中學
    junior high schools
    distributed leadership
    educational outcomes
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-12-09 09:41:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在瞭解國民中學校長分散式領導與學校教育成效現況,並探討國民中學校長分散式領導對學校教育成效之影響。本研究採用調查研究法,自編「分散式領導量表」與「學校教育成效量表」,以八個縣市的公立國民中學正式教師為研究對象,並另外發送校長版問卷以求得校長基本資料。藉由專家效度審查與預試回收有效教師問卷173份,進行項目分析、一階驗證性分析、二階驗證性分析以及信度分析,以形成正式問卷。正式問卷發送1000份教師問卷和100份校長版問卷,回收有效教師問卷567份,回收率為56.7%。本研究以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、多變量變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關以及結構方程模式等統計方式,對回收資料進行分析。
    (一) 宜多辦理教育理念與教育革新議題的相關研習給教師進修。
    (二) 舉辦分散式領導相關研習,鼓勵學校成員參與。
    (三) 檢視校史達60年以上的學校之教師責任與教師信任。
    (四) 建立更有效的學校成員績效評鑑機制。
    (五) 加強鄉鎮地區的教育成效關注。
    (六) 在學生教育機會均等的進步上,可以參考「導師」的建議。
    (一) 校長宜增加與學校成員的互動機會。
    (二) 校長可以多鼓勵學校成員嘗試學校新事務。
    (三) 學校宜建立更專業發展的回饋機制。
    (四) 鼓勵教師主動研究與學習。
    (五) 提升學生學習動機。
    (六) 關心學生自我概念與具備優良公民美德的能力。
    (七) 支持學校成員團隊合作。
    (一) 研究對象:包括不同層級的校長、家長、學生對分散式領導的知覺均為 可能的研究對象。
    (二) 研究工具:針對不同研究對象發展不同的問卷。
    (三) 研究變項:家長背景亦為可行之研究變項。
    (四) 研究方法:加入質性研究加以後續探討。
    (五) 統計方法:探討更複雜的分散式領導與各種教育內涵的線性關係。
    The study was to understand the current status of the distributed leadership for junior high principals and effectiveness of school education and to probe into the influences of the distributed leadership for junior high principals on the effectiveness of school education. In this study, I adopted the investigation method, self-prepare the “Distributed Leadership Scale” and the “Effectiveness of School Education Scale”, and took the public junior high school formal teachers in 8 counties/cities as my research samples. Then, I additionally distributed questionnaires to principals for basic information. Through the expert review of validity and pretesting on 173 effective questionnaires, I conducted the item analysis, first order confirmatory factor analysis, second order confirmatory factor analysis, and the reliability analysis to construct the formal questionnaires. Then, 1000 formal questionnaires were issued to the teachers and another 100 questionnaires were issued to the principals with 567 effective teacher questionnaires returned, i.e., 56.7% return rate. Also in this study, I analyzed the returned data by using the descriptive statistics, one-way analysis of variance (or one-way ANOVA), multivariate analysis of variance (or MANOVA), Pearson`s correlation and simple linear regression and the structural equation models.

    The study concludes as follows:

    1. The current implementation status of the distributed leadership for junior high principals was moderately good and what needs to be improved most is the “cultural environment” part.

    2. The top 3 indexes of the distributed leadership for junior high principals were that “the principal is civil”, that “the principal encourages teamwork”, and that “the principal has a clear vision for the school” while the bottom 3 indexes were that “the faculty staff at this school are brave to try new things”, that “the faculty at this school evaluate each other’s performance based on reality”, and that “the school recommend improvement to the underperforming staff.”

    3. For the current status of effectiveness of junior school education, it was moderately good for teachers and above average for the students; Teachers performed best at “teacher trust” but worst at “teacher learning” while students performed best at “equal educational opportunities for students” but worse at “student learning.”

    4. For teachers, there was a significant difference in the consciousness of the distributed leadership for principals due to different “teachers positions”, “school size, history, and districts”, and “principal genders and main teaching fields in the past” while there was a significant difference in consciousness of the effectiveness of school education due to different “teacher genders and positions” and “principal genders, ages, and the highest levels of education.”

    5. There was a high positive correlation between the distributed leadership and the effectiveness of school education (both for students and teachers) and through the distributed leadership for principals, I could effectively predict the effectiveness of school education.

    Recommendations for the educational administration, principal, and future research are as follows:

    Recommendations for the educational administration
    I recommend the educational administration conduct more workshops concerning further educational believes and innovations for teachers, hold the distributed leadership, encourage school members to participate in relevant workshops, review teacher responsibility and trust at the 60-year-old or older schools, build a more effective school member performance evaluation mechanism, enhance its focus on the educational effectiveness in the rural areas, and refer to “recommendations for the mentors” based on the equality of educational opportunities for the students.

    Recommendations for the principals
    I recommend the principals increase opportunities for school member interactions, encourage school members to try new things more, build a more professionally developed mechanism for the students, encourage the teachers to research and learn actively, promote students’ learning motivation, care about student self-concepts and virtues of citizens, and support teamwork at school.

    Recommendations for future research
    I recommend the future research include different levels of principals, parents, elder siblings, and students, and their consciousness in distributed leadership in research objects, develop various questionnaires for various research objects in research instruments, include parents and elder siblings in feasible research variables, supplement with qualitative research for further probe in research methods, and probe into the linear relationship between the distributed leadership of more complexity and all kinds of educational contents in statistical methods.
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