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Title: | 教室閱讀環境、教師閱讀態度與幼兒閱讀態度之相關性研究 A study of relationship between the kindergarten classroom reading environments, teacher reading attitudes and young children reading attitudes |
Authors: | 王令彥 Wang, Ling Yan |
Contributors: | 簡楚瑛 王令彥 Wang, Ling Yan |
Keywords: | 閱讀態度 幼兒閱讀態度 教師閱讀態度 教室閱讀環境 reading attitude young children reading attitude teacher reading attitude the kindergarten classroom reading environments |
Date: | 2008 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-09 09:08:07 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究主要探討教室閱讀環境、教師閱讀態度與幼兒閱讀態度之關係,主要研究對象為台北縣市公私幼稚園教師及該班五足歲幼兒。首先了解教室閱讀環境、教師閱讀態度及幼兒閱讀態度之現況,並進一步分析教師個人變項在教師閱讀態度及幼兒背景變項在幼兒閱讀態度得分上之差異情形;而後分別探討教室閱讀環境、教師閱讀態度與幼兒閱讀態度間的相關性,並分析教室閱讀環境及其構面與教師閱讀態度對幼兒閱讀態度之交互作用的情形。 研究依據文獻探討之結果自編「幼稚園教室閱讀環境問卷」與改編「教師閱讀態度問卷」,並以Saracho所發展之「幼兒閱讀態度量表」做為研究工具,並利用問卷調查法來收集資料。問卷回收後,使用SPSS12.0統計軟體進行描述性統計、信度分析、因素分析、獨立樣本t考驗、單因子變異數分析、Scheffe法事後比較、Tamhane’s T2檢定法事後比較、皮爾森積差相關、二因子變異數分析來分析,研究結果如下: 壹、 幼稚園之幼兒有良好的閱讀態度,女童閱讀態度較男童閱讀態度來的正向。 貳、 幼稚園教師普遍較有正向的閱讀態度,有閱讀習慣的教師較沒有閱讀習慣的教師有正向的閱讀態度。 參、 教室閱讀環境普遍良好,構面中「閱讀互動」的得分最高。 肆、 教室閱讀環境及其構面「閱讀空間及資源」、「閱讀課程與活動」與幼兒閱讀態度負相關。推測可能原因在於教師知覺與幼兒感受上的落差,使得教師認為已經提供了良好的閱讀環境,但孩子本身沒有從中獲得協助或樂趣,因此產生教室閱讀環境良好,但幼兒閱讀態度卻不佳的情況。 伍、 教師閱讀態度與幼兒閱讀態度沒有相關。 陸、 「教師閱讀態度」與「閱讀空間及資源」對幼兒閱讀態度有交互作用,當教師的閱讀態度較負向,閱讀課程與活動越好時,幼兒閱讀態度會越負向。 研究針對統計結果進行分析與討論,並對幼稚園教師及未來相關研究提供建議,期待能對幼兒閱讀態度在學校中的培養有所助益。 The main purposes of this study was to (1) understanding the kindergarten classroom reading environments, teachers reading attitudes and young children reading attitudes;(2)explore the data of teachers reading attitudes between influencing factors and of young children reading attitudes between different backgrounds;(3)analyze the relationship between the kindergarten classroom reading environments and young children reading attitudes;(4)the relationship between teachers reading attitudes and young children reading attitudes (5)explore the total scores and sub-scores of the kindergarten classroom reading environments × teacher reading attitudes interaction. A total of 72 teachers and 292 five-year-old young children from kindergartens (both public and private schools) participated in this study in Taipei. To accomplish purposes of this study, the methods adopted were a questionnaire and measured the scales by the constructs:“The Kindergarten Classroom Reading Environments Scale”, “The Teacher Reading Attitudes Scale”, and “The Preschool Children Reading Attitudes Scale”. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. Cronbach α coefficient analysis, explorative factor analyses, T-test, one way ANOVA, Scheffe posteriority, Tamhane’s T2 posteriority Pearson’s correlation analysis and two way ANOVA through the use of SPSS12.0 for windows. The results were summarized as follows: 1. Young children in kindergartens had positive reading attitudes. Girls possessed statistically significantly more positive attitudes toward reading than did boys. 2. The teachers in kindergartens had positive reading attitudes. The teachers who had reading habits possessed statistically significantly more positive attitudes toward reading than did those didn’t have reading habits. 3. The kindergarten classroom reading environments are good, and especially in the aspect of reading interaction. 4. The kindergarten classroom reading environments and young children reading attitudes were statistically significantly negative relationship. 5. The teachers reading attitudes and young children reading attitudes won’t statistically significantly relationship. 6. The results showed significant outcomes for reading curriculum and activities × teacher reading attitudes interaction. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 幼兒教育所 96157010 97 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096157010 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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