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    政大典藏 > College of Law > Department of Law > Theses >  Item 140.119/49735
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    Title: 國民教育階段中的宗教自由─多元文化主義的觀點
    Religious freedom in mandated education context─a multiculturalism perspective
    Authors: 林榮光
    Contributors: 廖元豪
    Keywords: 國民教育
    mandated education
    equal education opportunities
    religion as cultural identity
    accommodation of religious freedom
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-12-08 17:39:30 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本論文係從多元文化主義之觀點來探討國民教育階段中的宗教自由。我國憲法第159條規定:「國民受教育之機會一律平等」。然而學生在教育過程中實質的平等受教育機會卻與其文化認同有密切的關係。如果學生的獨特文化認同不能在主流教育體制中受到尊重與接納,連帶的也會影響其學習上的成功機會。而透過對於法律「兼顧容納宗教自由」之案例的反省與分析,本論文引出了「宗教也是一深刻文化認同」之看法。筆者根據此一看法來重新思索宗教與國民教育之關係,並認為在憲法基本權利的層次,為了兼顧容納信徒基於宗教認同所產生之需求,我們必須承認「宗教學生平等受教育的權利」與「父母宗教教育之自由」。然而國家在國民教育階段中兼顧容納宗教自由,除了不應違背「政教分離」原則之外,也應以「民主教育」作為兼顧容納之重要界限。以上述想法為基礎,本論文也於最後具體探討我國的教育規範與教育實踐應如何作出調整,以建構一個兼顧信仰與學習的教育環境。
    This dissertation discussed religious freedom in mandated education context from a multiculturalism perspective. Article 159 of ROC Constitution provides, “The educational opportunities of citizens are equal.” Understood in a subjective sense, equal educational opportunities of students have much to do with their cultural identities. If a student’s unique cultural identity cannot be respected and accommodated in mainstream education system, his or her opportunities to success in the education process will be limited seriously. Through the discussion of cases of “accommodation of religious freedom”, this dissertation tried to propose the view that religion is also a profound cultural identity. Accordingly, the author indicated that in order to accommodate believers religious identity, “the equal educational rights of religious students” and “the freedom of religious education of parents” should be recognized in mandated education context. However, the efforts to accommodate religious freedom should also be balanced by the principles of democratic education, in addition to the requirements of secularism in public schools. Based on the ideas mentioned above, this dissertation reviewed educational regulations and practices in Taiwan in the final section, and proposed the ways to construct a education environment in which both the believers’ needs to learn and to develop religious identity can be respected and attended properly.
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