題名: | 從代理商到發展自有品牌產品過程之研究 Transforming from an Agent to a Brand Company |
作者: | 陳錦鋒 Chen,Chin-Feng |
貢獻者: | 于卓民 陳錦鋒 Chen,Chin-Feng |
關鍵詞: | 通路商 轉型 自有品牌 Agent Transforming brand name |
日期: | 2006 |
上傳時間: | 2010-12-08 15:30:32 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 企業獲利與永續發展是企業追尋的目標,然而科技的演進與經濟環境的變化所形成的景氣循環,往往讓體質不佳或未依循產業趨勢向上提升的企業面臨經營危機;而電子零組件通路產業係電子產業景氣之先趨,由於其掌握上游電子零組件之代理權與下游通路(客戶)之產業特性,在面對全球化競爭與微利化時代的來臨,除尋求經濟規模的擴大(購併),或經營小眾型利基市場的策略外,是否可運用其產業特性轉型為品牌與製造廠商,其過程將是本研究之重點。 由於以往文獻中對於電子零組件通路的研究多針對其現有通路產業或單一企業競爭策略或個案競爭力之探討,其結論多半為增加新產品代理、全球化行銷網絡的建立及擴大經濟規模和提供客戶整體解決方案,提升自我技術及運籌能力等,對於電子零組件通路商轉型策略的討論較少,而對於企業轉型建立自有產品的研究,也多以擁有生產代工能力的企業做分析。因此,本研究將針對未擁有生產研發能力的電子零組件通路商,以實際案例分析通路商如何透過組織之各項機能(包括銷售、研發、生產及人力組織等)的強化,建構企業本身的研發與製造能力,以成功擁有自有產品,並行銷國際的過程探討其成功轉型之關鍵。 Continuity management with creative innovation is the fundamental key success factor to all business entity. However, the rapidly renovation of technology and the fast change of environment result the business in a critical condition when facing operational crisis. The performance of IC component distributor is the key indicator to the entire electronic industries, as it holds the upper level’s distribution right of IC components and the specialty of the business of lower levels. To face the era of micro profit and global competition, not just to maximize the economical scale by merging or the strategy to find the niche market but to apply the unique part of this industry to turn the business with brand name and the manufacturer. This paper is focusing on the research of its process. Most of the articles are discussing the individual case or the strategy of business competition for the IC components distributors. Its conclusion are tend to increase more products to be the distributor, globalize the marketing network, extend the business scale and to provide customers total solutions to turn up the technology and operation abilities. There are not much in discussing how to transform the business from IC components distributors. The most research in transforming the business to build its own brand name is focusing to analyze the business which have OEM production abilities. Therefore this research will apply the real case to analyze how the IC distributors improve their functions (including sales、RD、productions and HR) to develop their own products with a brand and extend the market worldwide. The research will discuss the critical and turning points for the success. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 89932020 95 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0899320201 |
資料類型: | thesis |
顯示於類別: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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