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Title: | 汽車保險整合行銷與商品創新之研究 Research on integrated marketing and product innovation of auto insurance |
Authors: | 陳文生 |
Contributors: | 王儷玲 陳文生 |
Keywords: | 汽車保險 整合行銷 商品創新 Automobile Insurance Integrated Marketing Product Innovation |
Date: | 2007 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-08 15:23:16 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究主要乃針對我國汽車保險當前所面對市場規模逐漸縮小的問題,探討其癥結所在並試圖提出因應之道,雖然過去已有不少的文獻針對汽車保險行銷或商品創新分別提出,但以台灣車險市場實務運作之角度及實況為出發點做探討,加入更多不同元素,提出較切合實務因應對策的相關文獻實屬有限。 我國汽車保險之保費收入多年來均約佔產險市場之半數。因此,汽車保險之發展對我國產險經營有著不可忽視的地位,即因如此重要,以致市場惡意競爭,經營環境紊亂,加上近年國內經濟環境惡化,更突顯業者在汽車保險經營方針上的偏差;而長期以來國人對汽車保險之投保觀念仍嫌不足,亦導致我國產險規模及普及率始終無法與國際先進國家相提並論,其中任意車險投保率長期僅維持六成水準左右,即證明了國人對汽車保險的不重視。綜合上述原因,遂使多數產險公司在汽車保險經營上瀕臨無核保利潤甚至虧損之狀態,嚴重影響我國金融保險市場之發展。 在探討汽車保險整合行銷與商品創新的研究中,本論文以目前我國汽車保險業者所面臨的真實困境為基礎,並結合行銷的元素及排除不符合市場運作情況,除以消費者的角度重新思考外,同時加入我國產險業實際運作上所面臨的盲點,提出數點建議,以期探尋出適合我國汽車保險經營的行銷模式及商品設計,本論文所提的問題多為筆者長期身處市場觀察之實情,期許能為我國汽車保險經營帶來改革,扭轉目前越來越小的產值規模,兼達消費者及保險公司雙贏之目標。 Due to the decreasing automobile insurance market in Taiwan, in this research I try to focus on the true situation which I observe during my career. Though a popular topic, this issue was seldom discussed in research papers in a practical way. That is why I try to explain this situation at a different angle with a combination of various factors.
Automobile insurance premium accounts for over half of non-life insurance premium in Taiwan and has been an integral part. Because of its enormous market stance, all non-life insurance companies would expand their market share of it at any expense. In doing so, non-life insurance companies face a vicious cycle of increasing competition followed by decreasing premium rates and it proves them wrong to implement these strategies. Furthermore, a merely 60% penetration rate of automobile insurance, which is below the average of developed countries, shows that Taiwanese people do not take it seriously. In conclusion, the non-life insurance market has been hugely impacted.
By clearing the blind spots of Integrated Marketing and Product Innovation, in this research I try to find a new way to improve the even worse situation of automobile insurance market in Taiwan. With my career experience in this field, I give some recommendations in the hope of reversing the situation in the future. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 95932251 96 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095932251 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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