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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/49620

    Title: 建廠資訊生命週期管理之研究-製程工廠之統包公司為例
    Plant Information Lifecycle Management:Process Plant in Turnkey Company
    Authors: 劉智明
    Contributors: 周宣光
    Keywords: 資訊生命週期管理
    ISO 10303
    ISO 15926
    Plant Information Lifecycle Management
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2010-12-08 15:18:36 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 東柏林圍牆倒塌,金磚四國崛起,使得第三世界國家的經濟能力大幅提升,對能源及石化產品的需求也日益增加,促使全球對石化產業之投資大幅暴增且投資規模也較前期更大。為能加速獲利,業主經常要求統包工程公司能縮短1/3之工期。因此,統包工程公司需不斷研發及創新,並使用有別於傳統模式之作業方法,才可達成此縮短工期之目標。



    建廠工程之作業有許多不同的階段,本研究擬針對「建廠資訊生命週期管理」系統提出完整之規劃架構,但因本系統相當龐大,無法於短時間內完成全部之系統雛型,故,本著「Think Big, Start Small, Scale Fast」之理念,本研究將先對產製最多資訊之設計階段先行建立系統雛型,作為示範性之先導開發工作。本研究所獲得之主要結論如下:

    一、 導入標準資訊規範是正確途徑
    二、 為縮短建廠時間,需建立資訊整合與共享環境
    三、 要提升統包工程公司之競爭力,需建立全球化作業平台
    四、 要提升資訊品質需將文件中心轉變為資訊中心

    關鍵字: 資訊生命週期管理、製程工廠、統包工程、圖形交換標準
    The 3rd world economy has been largely improved resulting from the collapse of the Eastern Berlin wall and the rise of the Brics. Since then, the investment in the petroleum/chemical industries is increased triggered from a strong demand of the energy and petroleum/ chemical products. To expedite the profit return, the clients will usually request the turnkey project company to condense the plant’s engineering time to at least 1/3 of the original scheduled. Therefore, the turnkey project company needs to continuously engage in its R&D and create an innovation method different from the traditional one to fulfill with clients’ expectation.

    Owing to the rapid progress of the hardwares and softwares together with the popularity of the internet, it provids a new environment for the information exchange. Although numerous applications for global operation and concurrent had been announced, it still couldn’t resolve the existing problems, instead, it caused another problem and leads the information to the Islands of automation.

    The purpose of this study is to find out how to utilize the advanced information technology and worldwide standadized information specification to establish a 「Plant Information Lifecycle Management-PILM」system for the Process Plant. It is the hope that through the aforesaid system, user can transform their important information into a electronic、structured and standadized formular. In addition, by using the Internet communation and database technology, it can help the user to integrate and share information through this transparent system and ensure the completeness、correctness and consistency of the information quality.

    There are many phases in the plant engineering operation. Although this study is striving to provide a complete designing framework for the system of 「Plant Information Lifecycle Management」, however ,it is definitely impossible to complete the whole system prototype for this huge system during such a short period. Therefore, this study will focus only on the “Design Phase” based on the core principle “Think Big, Start Small and Scale Fast”. Most of the information will be emerged during the Design Phase, so that, a system prototype for this phase will be designed as an initiative development model.

    The major conclusions for this study are as follows:

    1. The international standards should be adopted by the Turnkey project company.
    2. To reduce the plant engineering time, an integral and share environment (the PILM system) should be built.
    3. To enhance the competitiveness of the Turnkey project company, a global application platform (i.e. The PILM system) needs to be established.
    4. To lift the information quality, the document centric needs to be transformed to data centric.

    Keyword: ISO 10303, STEP, ISO 15926, Plant Information Lifecycle Management , UML, EPC(Engineering/Procurement/Construction), Turn-Key
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095932063
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文

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