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    Title: 交換式電源供應器顧客資本管理之研究―以個案公司為例
    Authors: 高銘傳
    Contributors: 張愛華
    Keywords: 智慧資本
    Intelligent capital
    Customer capital
    Switching power supply
    Competitive advantage
    Date: 2006
    Issue Date: 2010-12-08 15:07:43 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 智慧資本之思潮,源自於北歐,最早發展於瑞典,現今世界各國也相繼投入,其長足發展則在1990年後,而在知識經濟掛帥的年代,其影響到組織的創造與長期競爭優勢,已成為組織最有價值的資產及最有利的競爭武器,而良好的顧客關係就是公司價值具有重大影響的無形資產,也產生顧客資本的價值,若企業能將顧客知識整合到公司流程中,就越能滿足顧客所需要的產品及服務,讓顧客滿意度和忠誠度提高。




    Intellectual Capital originated from North Europe and blossomed in Sweden at the early stage but now the hwole world gets involved. The real expanding was after 1990, now the knowledge-based economy taking the lead, intellectual capital would affect organization’s creative and long-term competitive advantage and also become the most valuable asset and useful weapon. Good customer-relationship is company’s intangible asset and also creates the value of customer capital. If enterprise could compile customers’ knowledge into company’s procedure, it will fulfill customers’ need and increase customers’ satisfaction and loyalty.

    This research is aimed in the company’s switching power supply’s customers. The main purposes for this research are as follows: 1. Using analytic hierarchy process to figure out the evaluation and relative weighted criteria when customers choosing cuppliers, 2. Analyzing the difference among customers’ who have diverse contribution weighted criteria, 3. By analyzing the difference to generate strategy for future customer relationship maintenance, 4. Offering suggestion to the company operating customer capital.

    This research is aimed in the company’s switching power supply’s customers with analytic hierarchy process as structure to form the questionnaire. Let A, B, C, D, four groups of customers, to compare two factors each time to get the weighted value for each customer upon each factor.

    The first tier research comes out that four groups of customers emplyasize quality controla nd technology design ability the most. Disregard location the most.

    The second and third tiers research come out that customers emplyasize custom, pre-sale consulting, after-sale service, price and guarantee the most. Disregard strategy alliance, previous service experience and RD expense.

    To conclude, this company could use quantification AHP to rank each customer’s expectation; rather than using subjective judgments or guessing from past experience. I believe this could enhance customer satisfaction well and improve ecompany performance.
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