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Title: | 高科技產品品牌價值之研究:以手機產品為例 A Study of the Brand Value of High-Technology Products: the Case of Mobile Phone |
Authors: | 葉淑婷 Yieh, Shu Ting |
Contributors: | 陳建維 葉淑婷 Yieh, Shu Ting |
Keywords: | 品牌價值 顧客價值 涉入程度 自我概念 國家文化 高科技 Brand value Customer value Involvement Self-Concept National Culture High-technology |
Date: | 2006 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-08 14:31:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 高科技產品要打動消費者的心,已不能如同過去只強調其功能價值,要在激烈競爭環境中脫穎而出,無形價值更顯得重要。本研究引用Park, Jaworski and MacInnis (1986)的研究,將品牌帶給顧客的價值分為功能性、象徵性、體驗性價值。根據研究結果,在消費者心中重視的是高科技品牌的功能性與象徵性價值,因此廠商在推出高科技產品時,除產品本身功能要能具吸引力外,在行銷手法上須建立與其他品牌區隔的象徵意義,使消費者能將該產品視為自我身份象徵的徽章(badge)。另一方面,消費者在選購此項產品的涉入程度普遍都很高,而目前市面上產品功能是大同小異,廠商要能使其產品出奇制勝,同樣要以無形價值下手,以增加對消費者的吸引力。此外,本研究發現消費者購買高科技產品時,根據的並非自己的真實特性,而可能是消費者理想的自我。至於,國家文化與品牌聯想之顧客價值的關係在本研究中並不顯著。 Nowadays, the functional value of the high-tech products is not attractive enough to the consumers. For consumers, they want more values of high-tech products, especially the intangible values. According to Park, Jaworski and MacInnis’ (1986) research, the brand value from customer`s point of view could divide into the functional, symbolic and the experiential value. In this research, the consumers more care the functional and symbolic value of high-technology brands. Therefore, the merchants must emphasize on its products’ symbolic value to distinguish from the other brands, especially there is no big difference on the functional side. The customers would like to make the high-tech products as their badge. On the other hand, the consumers feel highly involvement with the high-tech products. The merchants must clothe its high-tech products with more intangible value to defeat the other brands. In addition, this research discovered the consumers might not follow their real characters but ideal self when they purchased the high-tech products. Furthermore, there is no significant relation between the national culture and the brand value in this research. |
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