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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/49575

    Title: 從技術知識特性的觀點探討太陽能技術領域之知識創新管理
    Innovation management of knowledge in solar industry--From the view of characteristics of technology knowledge
    Authors: 龔明德
    Kung, Ming De
    Contributors: 吳豐祥
    Kung, Ming De
    Keywords: 太陽能
    Technology Knowledge
    Innovation Management
    Technology Trajectory
    Knowledge Management
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-12-08 14:14:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究所選取的研究對象是太陽能技術領域中的相關研究單位,之所以選擇太陽能產業主要有幾點原因:1. 全球可利用能源有限,各界紛紛發展相關再生能源技術,而太陽能技術領域為目前最被看好的方向,所以太陽能技術之議題研究實為刻不容緩。2. 以往探討太陽能相關文獻,大都從太陽能的產業面及發展商機等做一探討,而鮮以從專案層次的技術管理層面切入,本研究認為欲探求太陽能領域之技術發展,必須從技術知識的基本特性著眼,並深入研討其技術管理過程為何,另外,技術也是知識的一種,故而技術管理自然會牽涉到知識管理。3. 一般技術在發展歷程中,會依循特定軌跡來累積成長,這個特性在太陽能產業尤其明顯,而國內卻一直沒有專門研究太陽能技術的系所,所以,有關太陽能產業中其技術來源及發展軌跡,實為一有趣而值得探究的議題。

    1. 太陽能技術領域中,關鍵的技術知識特性為何?
    2. 太陽能研究單位在技術發展過程中,其知識創新的管理活動為何?這些活動又如何受到技術知識特性的影響?


    1、 技術知識的創新程度會影響知識創造活動的團隊型態
    2、 技術知識的變動程度會影響知識創造活動的外部網路關係
    3、 技術知識的複雜度會影響團隊成員的多元化程度
    4、 技術知識的專質性會影響知識創造活動的新工具/程序之產生方式
    5、 不同的技術生命週期會影響知識創造活動的實驗或原型試製的方式

    1、 太陽能領域的技術研究單位會依循特定路徑累積其動態能耐
    2、 依技術研究單位願景與定位的不同,其技術策略發展也有所不同
    This thesis focuses on the photovoltaic industry in Taiwan, especially for the research unit of solar tech. The reasons are several aspects listed. 1. The energy in the world is limited, and more and more firms start to find the way to new kind of energy. Among lots of renewable energy technologies, solar tech. is most emphasized. To find more details about the solar tech. is important. 2. Most of formal thesis focused on the opportunities about the solar market, but few discussed about the technology characteristics and management of solar tech. But as we know, technology is one kind of knowledge, and tech. management is certainly related to knowledge management. 3. The technologies in many fields always follow the special trajectory, and the solar tech. is no exception. So it’s interesting to find the sources of solar tech. and to find how the solar technologies make further progress.

    The solar industry in Taiwan mainly includes technologies of wafer, cell, module, and system application. The main goal of this thesis focuses on the research units that deal in solar technology, and the thesis has two principal questions for discussion as followed:
    1. What are the key characteristics of technology in solar field?
    2. What are the activities of knowledge management in solar field?

    And the thesis has structural frame consists of two elements: the characteristics of tech. knowledge and the knowledge management. By interviewing the related research units in solar field and other data for assists, the research has discovered some interesting results:
    1. The degree of tech. innovation would affect the team type.
    2. The degree of tech. variation would affect the connection to external units.
    3. The degree of tech. complexities would affect the diversification of team numbers.
    4. The degree of tech. exclusion would affect whether the research units make new tools/procedures by oneself or directly buy in.
    5. Different stage of tech. life cycle would affect the experiment ways or different prototype.

    Besides, by the analyses of the cases, the thesis also finds other two results about the characteristics of solar industry. They are listed as followed:
    1. The research units of solar field would follow specialized trajectories to build their core competence.
    2. Depending on different vision in the solar field, the research units have different development strategies.
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