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    Title: 年輕人的消費價值觀
    Consumption values of young people
    Authors: 李竺姮
    Contributors: 別蓮蒂
    Keywords: 消費價值觀
    Consumption Values
    Depth Interview
    Date: 2007
    Issue Date: 2010-12-08 13:06:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 過去消費價值觀相關的研究,多從個人對「物」的消費價值感受來區分消費者,而少以「人」為研究主體,探討個人所持有的消費價值觀展現。與消費價值理論相關的文獻,雖也對消費價值觀作部份的敘述,但少有討論消費價值觀本質的相關研究。




    Consumption values, the criteria employed by the individual for developing of the preference judgment in terms of shopping behaviors, are both a powerful explanation of and influence in consumer behavior. Due to limited empirical attention relative to its features and nature, the concept of consumption values is easily confused with consumption value which is the outcome of evaluative judgment of a object and has been acquired more research focus. Therefore, this study focuses on the construct of consumption values and intends to propose a conceptual framework as a basis for future research.

    The study presences a quick review of the existing literature on the concept of values and value systems in order to recognize the fundamental elements of consumption values. Based on the review, the study refers to consumption values as an enduring belief and a preference concept that guides consumption behavior and as a general plan for consumption relative decision making. This redefinition is applied as the principle for analyzing young people’s consumption values.

    Twelve depth interviews were conducted. The interviewees are aged from 20 to 25 and with full-time students, part-time students, and full-time employee evenly. 116 shopping behavior were collected in total. The results reveal three key dimensions of consumption values: (1) Functional-oriented versus experiential-oriented consumption values on the consumption focus dimension; (2) Other-oriented versus self-oriented consumption values on the external influence dimension; and (3) Current-oriented versus future-oriented on action-directed dimension. This framework serves as the basis for the structure of consumption values.

    According to the findings, young people’s consumption values represent a consistent direction to be experiential-oriented, self-oriented, and current-oriented. Consequently, young people generally take immediate purchase action to fulfill self-emotional needs and wants.

    As a result of this study, a conceptualization definition intended to capture the nature of consumption values is determined to be clearly distinct from consumption value. Also, the three key dimensions of consumption values are charactered as a framework for developing the measurement method in future research.
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