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    Title: 線上審議民主的要件與實踐
    The condition and practice of online deliberative democracy
    Authors: 施盈廷
    Contributors: 方念萱
    Keywords: 網際網路
    deliberative democracy
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-12-08 12:56:25 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   本文從理論的基礎出發,試圖要反駁當下審議民主實踐,忽略了審議民主所「應該」強調的,並不是將審議民主視為是取得決策的一種工具或方法,而是必須將審議民主視為是一套有別於自由民主的思想。審議民主「應該」關注的,不是決策的正當性,而是如何深化民主。為此,本文回頭去找尋審議民主被提出的起點,並重新描繪審議民主轉向的核心價值是深化民主,而不是作出決策。這迫使理論必須從重新思考,如何從藉由「審議」取得決策正當性,往深化民主的方向移動,而且也同時讓審議民主理論所觸及的範圍,從「審議」形式的決策本身,擴及到一個完整不間斷的民主過程。
    This paper tries to illustrate that deliberative democracy is not a decision-making method but a kind of thoughts. The core element of deliberative democracy is not about the legitimacy of policies but the process of deepening democracy. It means that deliberative democracy theory should widen its possible contribution from only a decision-making method to a complete process of deepening democracy.
    When we regard deliberative democracy as a process, then we should develop accompanying measures (so-called “intermediate realm” in this paper) for the real-life practice. For achieving this purpose, this paper infers four elements, that is, openness, coherence, inter-subjectiveness and cumulativeness, from theoretical foundations on the one side. For avoiding three another predicaments of democratic practice, that is , cyberbalkanization, discourse failure and the dominating ideology, this paper also proposes three accompanying elements, that is, effectiveness, simpleness and dynamic contextualization on the other hand. All these seven elements, applying to all kinds of deliberative democracy practice apart from Debatepedia which we take as an example in this paper, constitute the content of intermediate realm for deliberative democracy practice.
    This paper in a further step divides these seven elements into fourteen items in order to respond to the core value of deliberative democracy, i.e. deepening democracy. In other words, these items are the basic requirement for real-life deliberative democracy practice. These fourteen items have no intention to include all possibilities of democratic practice but merely to provide some concrete examination methods in my sphere. These examination methods have their practical and theoretical meaning at the same time.
    In practice, these fourteen items means deliberative democracy theory should not stay as a theory is. If democracy theory is an ideal for our better life, we then should realize it and, that is more important, develop some methods to realize it. In terms of theory, this paper reveals the close relationship between deliberative democracy theory and its practice. That means it is important to know how to realize deliberative democracy, it is also important to know how to improve democracy theory. But these two situations can only be done when we can find a valid connection between them. This paper takes Debatepedia as an example to describe how this kind of connection could be possible.
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