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    政大機構典藏 > 傳播學院 > 新聞學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/49508

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    题名: 時間的共筆-論新聞報導的時間敘事與想像
    On temporality and imagination of news narrative
    作者: 陳安駿
    贡献者: 臧國仁
    关键词: 時間想像
    time imagination
    narrative theory
    information status
    discursive structure
    here and now
    日期: 2009
    上传时间: 2010-12-08 12:51:32 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本研究自語言的想像和傳承起興,探討新聞報導時間的變化。主採敘事學觀點,輔以語言學相關概念綜論新聞文本時間敘事的特色,並進而論及其時間想像及歷史感。
    This study, originated from imagination and inheritance of language, aims at examining features of narrative time. Taken a narratologic perspective with concepts borrowed from linguistics, this research discusses the narrativity in news text and also further explores temporarity and sense of history in news.
    A total of 11 news stories selected from the People’s Daily (Beijing) and the United Daily News (Taipei) were then analyzed by using the methods of discourse analysis and window analysis respectively. The results showed that the sense of history in news was more than simple description of the past events. In fact, it (the sense of history) could only be emphasized by connecting materials of both the past and the present.
    Further, with different forms of time connection, such as frequency, order, and tempo, news texts could be understood with the use of deixis and information status despite time fluctuation and change.
    Finally the possible world delineated in any news text would construct the readers’ imagination and allow them to hold the past, the present and the future all together.

    Keywords: time imagination, narrative theory, deixis, information status, discursive structure, here and now
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