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    題名: 精熟學習策略配合數位化診斷系統對高工學生數學科學習成效之研究
    A Study on Math Learning Effectiveness of Vocational High School Students Using Mastery Learning Strategy with Computerized Diagnostic System
    作者: 滕春麗
    貢獻者: 姜志銘
    關鍵詞: 精熟學習
    mastery learning
    computerized diagnostic system
    student-problem chart
    math-learning attitude
    math-learning achievement
    absolute mean deviation
    日期: 2010
    上傳時間: 2010-12-08 11:53:02 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 為達成「精熟學習」的教與學過程中強調的個別化教學、學生學習的回饋、校正學生學習錯誤等高效能的教學理想。本研究自行發展一套數位化診斷系統,在不改變學校政策、班級作息、教室管理實施情況下,對準備參加科大入學測驗高工三年級的學生,在考前六週進行數學科總複習的「精熟學習配合數位化診斷」實驗教學。經由學生的作答反應,本診斷系統完成以下功能:
    Mastery Learning Strategy is a highly effective teaching method, emphasizing the importance of individualized tutoring, student feedback and learning error correction. In this study, a self-devised computerized diagnostic system was developed for the third-year vocational high school students who were preparing for the technological university entrance examination. An experimental teaching method using Mastery Learning Strategy with computerized diagnostic system was given to the aforementioned students as a math review lesson six weeks before the entrance examination, following the original school policy, class schedule or class management. From test responses, the diagnostic system achieved the following:
    (1)Quick selecting of good quality test items. It also evaluates the test items and provides the difficulty, discrimination, and correction rates of them.
    (2)Individualized diagnosis of each student vs. test items. It also completes the reliability, validity and S-P charts of the test.
    (3)Offering a comprehensive record of the learning process. It also analyzes the learning process of the students and sorts out their learning potential.
    (4)Analyzing students’ learning effects and coming up with teaching suggestions.
    In this experiment, the data gained from the diagnosis were used to provide each student with individualized instruction or error correction with the hope of attaining the goals of Mastery Learning. The analysis of the students’ feedback after the experimental teaching method showed that most students thought positively of the experiment, admitting that they developed a more aggressive learning attitude, and suggested that this computerized diagnostic system, had it been implemented earlier, would have helped them achieve even better grades.
    The students in this study consisted of three groups. Group A and B were both experimental groups except that group A were students from electrical engineering department while group B were students from mechanical engineering department. Group C was the control group receiving only conventional teaching method. Group A was compared with group B and group C respectively in terms of differences in math-learning attitude, math-learning achievement, and in the absolute mean deviation of learning achievement. By means of one-way analysis of covariance, with pre-test effects eliminated, the conclusions were as follows:
    (1)None of the groups exhibited significant grade differences on the math-learning attitude post-test.
    (2)Group A scored significantly higher on the math-learning achievement post-test than did Group C, the control group.
    (3)Group A of electrical engineering students scored significantly higher on the math-learning achievement post-test than did Group B of mechanical engineering students. However, if the grades of the Group B students who didn’t complete the experiment were unaccounted, no grade difference was noticeable on the math-learning achievement post-test between Group A and Group B.
    (4)Group A, the experimental group, had significantly lower absolute mean deviation on the math-learning achievement post-test than did Group C, the control group.
    Finally, it was suggested that creating a comfortable environment for teaching and learning as well as an advance establishment of a good teacher-student rapport are the key to a smooth-going and successful experimental teaching method.
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