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Title: | 癌症病患社會比較及其相關因素之研究—新癌症病患與舊癌症病患之比較 Social Comparison and Its Related Variables of Cancer Patients: the Difference between New Cancer Patients and Old Cancer Patients |
Authors: | 張丁升 |
Contributors: | 許文耀 張丁升 |
Keywords: | 癌症病患 社會比較 社會比較動機 社會比較效果 比較模式 比較面向 cancer patients social comparison social comparison motive social comparison effect the models of social comparison the dimensions of social comparison |
Date: | 2005 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-08 11:40:56 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究之主要目的在於瞭解癌症病患社會比較行為之現況與相關因素之探討,包括社會比較動機、不同之比較面向與比較模式之對象、社會比較效果,進而探索新癌症病患與舊癌症病患在社會比較行為上的差異性;其次,探討自尊、身心健康情形與社會比較之關係。本研究以問卷調查的方式,訪談全國癌症病友中心的癌症病患,共計134位,包括各50位新、舊乳癌病患與21位新腸癌病患、13位舊腸癌病患。本研究使用社會比較動機量表中文版、自尊量表中文版、一般健康量表中文版以及研究者自編的社會比較問卷,進行相關統計分析與假設考驗。研究結果發現,癌症病患主要社會比較動機是同盟、自我增進、自我彰顯等動機;新、舊癌症病患在社會比較行為上皆有顯著性的差異,包括社會比較動機、社會比較的對象與方式、以及社會比較的負向效果。另一方面,自尊越低與一般健康情形越差的癌症病患,其社會比較的負向效果也越大。最後,根據研究結果與討論,提出對未來相關研究、癌症病患的心理社會介入與臨床應用的建議。 The main purpose of this study was to explore the social comparison process and its correlates among cancer patients. The first purpose of this study was to understand the differences of social comparison process between new cancer patients and old cancer patients, not only including the source of social comparative information, but the motives, the models, the dimensions, the targets and preferences of social comparison. The second purpose was to understand the influence of self-esteem on social comparison. The third purpose was to asses the relationship between social comparison and individual’s physical and mental health. The Chinese versions of the Social Comparison Motive Scale (Helgeson & Mickelson, 1995), the Chinese versions of Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (Rosenberg, 1965), the Chinese versions of General Health Questionnaire (Goldberger, 1978), and two self-constructed scales to measure the informative source, the models, the dimensions, the targets and preferences of social comparison were administered to 100 breast cancer patients and 34 colorectal cancer patients from Changhua Christian Hospital. Finally, the findings of this research were expected to apply to clinical psychooncology so as to help cancer patients have better psychological reaction and to improve their adaptation to illness. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 心理學研究所 91752006 94 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0917520061 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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