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    Title: 後冷戰時期德國中東外交政策之研究
    A study of Germany`s middle east policy in the post cold-war era
    Authors: 朱子亮
    Contributors: 李登科
    Keywords: 德國
    European Union
    Middle East
    Foreign Policy
    Middle East Policy
    Bilateral Relations
    Date: 2008
    Issue Date: 2010-12-08 11:02:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 二次大戰以前之早期歷史階段,中東地區一直是德國對外政策中之次要項目。而冷戰時期之雙邊關係發展,也多傾向於反映西德與該地區實際往來相對有限之情況,而非突顯類似雙邊在地理位置上之鄰近性、以及雙邊經貿關係發展潛力等有利因素;而就該時期阿拉伯國家對西德之態度立場而言,主要特徵在於前者對後者明顯支持以色列之立場感到失望及不滿。70年代以後,西德政府開始嘗試與以色列和阿拉伯國家建立一個「基於平等對待立場」(Politik der Ausgewogenheit)之往來關係原則,然而由於相關策略仍未能擺脫受到冷戰期間之美蘇對立背景環境、中東地區之以阿衝突問題以及二戰時期納粹德國曾經迫害猶太族群之歷史記憶等因素之影響,故至東西德統一以前,西德對中東地區國家一直未能形成具體可見之外交政策。
    Before World War II, the Middle East region was not a high priority for the Governments of Germany. For West Germany, development of relations with the Arabic states during the Cold-War period is prone to reflect far more, the relatively limited scope of bilateral engagement, than the geographical proximity or the trading potential between the Arab world and West Germany. On the other hand, the typical perception towards West Germany that existed among the Arabic countries during the Cold-War period, is broadly characterized by the disappointment with West Germany’s pro-Israeli stance.
    From the 1970s onwards, Governments of West Germany had tried to build up a “principle of even-handedness”(Politik der Ausgewogenheit)in its foreign policy towards Israel, and the Arabic countries, but which still could not ignore the impact of the Cold War, Arab-Israeli conflicts, as well as the legacy of the Nazi past. Thus, a definite and visible policy toward the Middle East countries was unable to be formed during the Cold-War period until the reunification of East and West Germany in 1990.
    From the 1990s onwards, several major events have occurred which have changed the overall scenario, including the end of the Cold War, the reunification of East and West Germany, European integration, as well as the beginning of the Israel-Palestinian peace process. These developments not only affected Germany’s Middle East policy, but also brought about a new momentum and opportunities, which has resulted in a more forceful, visible and significant role, which Germany now plays in the region. Other major factors resulting in Germany’s increasing participation and its support of the EU role in the Middle East, include the growing German interests in the region, political co-operation between Germany and the EU and the United States, Germany`s special relationship with Israel, as well as others.
    Post Cold-War Germany shied away, for most of its existence during the time, from discussions about its interests in the Middle East, and the existence of German interests in the region has likewise, become hardly doubtful. Economically, there is a vital interest in a secure energy supply from the region; On the other hand, Germany’s security interests in the region can be boiled down to preventing the problems of regional conflicts, as well as non-conventional threats in the region from exporting into Europe, such as terrorism, arms proliferation, and refugee movements; Politically, Germany’s major interest in the region lies in a peaceful solution of the Israeli-Arab conflict – which can notably solve a dilemma in its development of bilateral relations with both Israel and the Arab states.
    The thesis has explored and concluded the shape of today’s German Middle East policy with five major elements:(1)energy, economic and security interests;(2)special circumstances and domestic considerations in facing the Israeli-Arab (Israeli-Palestinian) conflict;(3)to support the co-ordination and the integration of policies toward the Middle East region between the EU member states as a top priority;(4)to emphasize the necessity of international multilateral cooperation on the Middle-East issues(especially with the involvement and support from the United States);(5)Germany`s historical responsibility and its special relationship with Israel.
    The author believes that in the future, as one of the major trends of the German foreign policy in the post Cold-War era, Germany’s participation in the Middle East affairs will become more active, as it has enough capability and potential to play such a role. It also has become more willing to exercise these attributes through concrete measures or actions, and will have a positive and profound influence upon the development of the region in the future, thus, the future development of its Middle East policy and its role in the region, ought to be put upon with more emphasis and paid with close attention.
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