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    Title: 國際非傳統安全的合作-以歐盟司法暨內政事務為例
    International Cooperation in the field of non-traditional threat- the case of EU JHA
    Authors: 吳慧美
    Contributors: 甘逸驊
    Keywords: 非傳統安全合作
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-12-08 10:59:39 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著超級大國爭奪勢力範圍時代的結束,安全研究對象不再純粹以國家的軍事和意識形態為主,這種對傳統國家安全威脅來源的不同理解,導致「非傳統安全」概念的產生。非傳統安全威脅的擴散性、跨國性特質,使其威脅往往比傳統安全來的難以控制,國際社會的安全合作也不得不從傳統安全轉向非傳統安全,非傳統安全合作似已取代傳統軍事結盟觀點,成為國際安全合作的主要面貌,故本文認為國際社會或區域組織的安全能否得到確保,必須看它的非傳統安全合作能否有效深化。
    After the end of the cold war, the issue of non-traditional threat has gained much attention than ever in the international politics. Moreover, it has taken the place of the traditional issue and has become the hottest topic in the field of international security cooperation.
    By introducing the third pillar of European Union- The Justice and Homes affaire( JHA) and how it works when dealing with the boundless non-traditional threat, this paper have proved that EU is not only a international organization targeted for traditional threat comparing with other international organizations, but also the one aimed to handle the non-traditional issue such as terrorism, organized crime and drug trafficking by practicing its concept of human security which is centered in the European Security Strategy in 2003.
    Reference: 壹、中文部份
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