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Title: | 我國中央機關公務員對勞務委外之績效認知 The perception of outsourcingin central government officers |
Authors: | 吳美玲 |
Contributors: | 高安邦教授 吳美玲 |
Keywords: | 委外 績效評估 Outsourcing performance evaluation |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-08 02:03:18 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 委外經營策略是近年來各國政府推動行政革新及政府再造的重要策略之一,政府將業務委託民間辦理是為達成人力精簡及改善財政之目標,而委外經營決策不僅在解決政府的「雙環困境」(Catch-22Situation),更在於提高政府的服務效能及品質,因此行政部門的角色由直接執行者轉換為監督者,民間業者成為政策的實際執行者。
本研究目的在於探討目前我國中央機關勞務委外辦理實施之成效,設計問卷針對我國中央機關公務人員為研究對象,進行問卷調查,問卷調查所得資料運用電腦統計軟體SPSS for Window 12.0版進行資料處理。在各構面績效衡量指標方面,「專業品質構面」平均數為最高,其次為「整體效益構面」,而「成果滿意度構面」受重視程度最低。在不同樣本特徵知重要性認知差異性分析方面,受試公務人員因性別、年齡、公職身分別、任職單位別、公職年資、是否承辦委外業務的不同而有顯著差異。
藉由績效評估指標,對中央機關公務人員做實證性研究,萃取出公務人員之角度對績效指標重要性程度之認知情形,可供政府機關在做勞務委外之參考,是否能以最少的成本而有更高的經營績效或更高的投資報酬率,以補救現行之缺失並作為日後績效衡量之參考,以提昇我國政府整體競爭力。 Outsourcing services is an important business strategy to promote administrative reform and reinventing for many governments in recent years. The privatization of government business is to streamline human resources and improve its finance. In fact, outsourcing services not only helps to resolve the "double Central Dilemma "(Catch-22Situation) issue, but also improves the efficiency and quality of government services. Under this strategy, the executive branch actors from central government become supervisors and, private businesses,
in charge of the actual implementation of those policies.
Outsourcing can solve many problems within an organization, but may also create new risks for the organization.Therefore, organizations must consider their characteristics and environmental contexts to produce the maximum benefit and ensure that outsourcing services matches their strategic objectives. Purpose of this study is to investigate the performance of labor outsourcing from central government.
We designed questionnaires to get feedback from the officals from these authorities. We applied computer statistical software SPSS for Window 12.0 version on this survey data. In all dimensions of performance measurement indicators, "professional quality dimensions," gets the highest average, followed by "the overall efficiency of dimension", and "satisfaction with the outcome dimensions of" gets the least attention of all. In the discrepancy analysis on importance cognition under different samples, the target varies with the sex, age, rank, department, year in service, and has outsourcing business or not.
By Performance Indicators, we have done an empirical research based on the officals from central government to extracting out the cognitive situation of the importance of performance indicators from officials viewpoint. This result can be used as a reference to apply outsourcing in central government.It can help to cost less but have higher performance or higher return on investment to remedy the current defects. This result can also be used for the performance measures to improve the overall competitiveness of our government. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 97921080 98 |
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