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Title: | 捐乳媽媽之捐乳動機、家庭支持及捐乳服務滿意之研究—以臺灣第一座母乳庫為例 Donate breast milk donation mother of motivation, family support and donate milk service satisfaction :The study - the first breast milk bank in Taiwan Case |
Authors: | 葉淑芬 Yeh, Shu Fen |
Contributors: | 林顯宗 葉淑芬 Yeh, Shu Fen |
Keywords: | 捐乳動機 家庭支持 捐乳服務滿意 donor milk motivation family support donated milk servicesatisfaction |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-08 02:03:10 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著母乳哺育觀念的普及化,部份哺乳媽媽有多餘的奶水,希望有機會分享給他人,臺灣第一座母乳庫於2004年12月開幕以來至今已將近4 年,為使其早產兒能有源源不斷之捐贈母乳可享用,因此需靠這些捐乳媽媽能持續不斷的捐乳,故如何提升這些捐乳媽媽持續捐乳,這個議題值得深究。
本研究根據提供以下建議:ㄧ、捐乳動機:增強宣導內容,以利捐乳:訊息宣導內容以幫助早產兒渡難關為主打主題再以助人行善幫自己寶寶積福報為理念,捐乳為舉手之勞更能夠有成就感;慎選對象,捐乳率高:宣導捐乳的對象首選社經地位高,經濟優渥學歷高之媽媽;訊息傳遞,產前開始:由門診產檢時或是在住院期間即作宣導。二、支持來源-家庭支持:家庭支持,組成團隊:母乳庫組成支持團體給予適時關心掌握捐乳家庭使之持續捐乳。三、捐乳服務滿意:親切服務,持續捐乳;增加車位,彈性時間:解決停車位的問題及開放彈性捐乳時間。 With the popularization of the concept of breast-feeding, some nursing mothers with extra milk, and hope to have the opportunity to share to others, Taiwan`s first breast milk bank opened in December 2004 has been nearly 4 years for it to have premature children steady flow of donated breast milk can enjoy, so be donated by the mother can breast milk continued to donate, how to improve these mothers continue to donate breast milk donation, the subject worth studying.
This study was to donate breast milk donation mother, motivation, family support and service satisfaction donated milk cases to qualitative research "semi-structured interviews" approach, interviews 12.
The study found that: first, to help others do good, be positive reward: milk donation mother`s motives and whether the milk donated to charity behavior seems to have more influence. Second, any energy left, donated more than milk: milk donation families well breastfeeding mothers can concentrate on their milk yield inexhaustible knowledge of cognition and instruction for the degree of absorption seems to affect the rate of implementation, even indirectly affect donate another milk motivation. Friends and network information can be donated breast milk bank to donate breast milk can cause milk donation mother motivation. Third, sufficient information, cited Engine: hospital out-patient check-and that is to donate milk yield can increase public awareness. Fourth, gained the admiration of friends, encouraging milk donation: the family`s donation has a positive view of milk and milk donation activities the whole family can work together to move, support system enhancement. Fifth, religious support to help to donate milk: religious beliefs, support, donor milk mother mostly due to the concept are more willing to donate milk to share love to the needs of the baby. 6, baby health, lactation increase in volume: donor milk more healthy baby who seems to have greatly increased the confidence of lactating mothers continued to increase the amount will be more willing to donate milk. 7, breastfeeding experience, help to donate milk: a second child, mother, sisters, can support other nursing mothers to donate milk to donate milk. 8, warm service, customer-oriented: to donate breast milk donation mother to a very satisfactory service, continuing to donate milk. 9, donated milk time, seek flexibility: flexible opening hours for the convenience of office workers increased milk donation mother satisfied that convenience is an important factor. 10, donated milk satisfaction, promote others: service satisfaction, but also the willingness to donate milk mothers to donate milk to promote others.
This study offers the following suggestions: Your donations, milk motivation: increased content of propaganda, in order to facilitate donor milk: the message content of propaganda to help tide over the crisis in premature children to play the theme-based charity to help people help themselves and then the baby product reward for the idea of donation milk for the little things better to have a sense of achievement; carefully choose targets, high milk donation: the object of propaganda to donate milk the first choice of high social status, economic generous educated the mother; message delivery, prenatal start: from the clinic for check-ups or when during hospitalization or for advocacy. Second, sources of support - family support: family support, the composition of the team: the composition of breast milk library support group to donate milk to give timely concern to control the family continued to donate milk to make it. Third, donor milk service satisfaction: friendly service, continued to donate milk; increase in parking spaces, flexible time: to solve the problem of parking spaces and open flexible hours to donate milk. |
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