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Title: | 儲貸危機與次貸危機處理模式之比較研究 A comparison of financial crisis management between savings and loan crisis and subprime mortgage crisis |
Authors: | 陳美后 |
Contributors: | 王耀興 陳美后 |
Keywords: | 金融危機 儲貸危機 次貸危機 |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-08 02:03:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以1980年代儲貸危機及2007年次貸危機兩次金融危機為主體,兩次金融危機均發生於金融體系最完善的美國。本研究經由文獻回顧、次級資料之分析及歸納,探討兩次金融危機形成原因及背景並分析其異同處,並就兩次金融危機中通過金融重要法案作個介紹。針對兩次金融危機,政府因應措施與對策及金融監理得當與否均為本研究探討重點。
本研究的建議,為實現金融穩定和金融自由化,各國政府要完善現有金融監管機構的協調機制,加強綜合監管,不同監管部門要實現資訊共享、形成監管合力、無縫監管。並進一步強化銀行等金融機構的自律機制,加強對金融機構的內部風險控制機制和內部控制制度的引導,以促進整個金融系統的穩定,也藉此期能作為我國未來改善金融制度之參考。 This study considers the two financial crises, the savings and loan crisis in the 1980s and the subprime mortgage crisis of 2007, which both occurred in the United States, with the most comprehensive financial system. Through literature review and analysis and summarization of secondary sources, this study explores the reasons and backgrounds of the two financial crises, and analyzes their similarities and differences. Furthermore, the significant financial acts that passed during the two financial crises are introduced. The central point of exploration in this study is whether the government’s coping measures and financial supervision were appropriate.
This study finds that both financial crises began with tightening of currency policy, adjustment of real estate prices, and market focus on inflation. Then, with high financial leveraging of financial institutions and failure to internally manage risk, loose supervisory systems for the financial markets, as well as the inability of governments to deal with the financial crisis immediately after its occurrence, effects of the crises expanded. The two financial crises occurred similarly in different times; the difference was that the spread of the crisis was faster with globalization and liberalization. In terms of the model for dealing with financial crises, as shown by the American government in managing financial crises, often attempts to resolve one crisis would create another. Similarly, in the subprime mortgage crisis, many nations devoted unprecedented resources to saving the markets; without structural and systematic reform, another financial crisis may soon arise, and a second recession would be difficult to avoid.
This study suggests that in order to realize financial stability and financial liberalization, governments should improve the coordination mechanisms of existing financial supervisory institutions; different supervisory departments should implement information sharing to achieve seamless supervision and management. Furthermore, there should be a strengthening of internal risk control of financial institutions and guidance for such internal control systems to promote stability of the entire financial system. It is hoped that this can be used as a reference for Taiwan in the future improvement of financial systems. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 96921011 98 |
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