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Title: | 臺灣高等體育教育機構整併因素之探討-以國立臺灣體育大學(桃園)為例 An analysis on factors influential to the merge of higher educational institutes in Taiwan:the case of study on National Taiwan Sport University (Taoyuan) |
Contributors: | 成之約 曾清璋 |
Keywords: | 高等教育 整併 體育大學 higher education merger Sport university |
Abstract: | 我國自1995年開始,為促進高等教育資源有效運用,對規模較小或同性質較高之國立大學推動整併,期望將高等教育資源作更合理的分配,亦能提升辦學績效,並使最少投資,發揮最大經濟規模效益,追求大學卓越發展,進而提升國家競爭力。教育部為整合資源、發揮綜效、掌握契機、提升體育競爭力,建立科際整合的體育學術殿堂,將現有位於桃園之國立體育學院及位於臺中的臺灣體育學院整併為國立臺灣體育大學。
關鍵字:高等教育、整併、體育大學 For a more efficient use and reasonable distribution of advanced educational resources, advance of teaching performances, excellent developments of universities, the maximum economic benefits with least investment, and augment of national competitiveness, Taiwan government had made efforts since 1995 which tried to carry out the merger among small-scale or homogeneous national colleges/ universities. The Ministry of Education led a policy which integrated National College of Physical Education and Sports in Taoyuan and National Taiwan College of Physical Education in Taichung into National Taiwan Sport University to integrate the resources. Consequently, it could achieve the best performances, to promote the competitiveness in physical education fields, and establish a subject-integrated scholastic palace.
This research used National Taiwan Sport University in Taoyuan as a sample to analysis the internal and external environment of merging the two schools by applying organization merger theories and experiences of merger from local and oversea universities. Furthermore, this research made some in-depth interviews with the faculty staffs in Taoyuan campus who played a part in merger project with the the indexes for evaluation of scaled economies, popularization, marketization and mutual-growth principals. The findings were as bellowing:
1 The factors that influence the results of the merger are more than one attribution.
2 Looking into the merger cases abroad, the governmental authorities usually played active roles contributing to the implementation of the merger of the universities. One of the better modes is that government plans the environment of merger adequately, and allowed the two parties of merger schools autonomy in the process of negotiation and selecting their coping parties.
3 When the process of merger, the most serious problem for which National Taiwan Sport University had faced was the long distances, high homogeneity, and overlapping of the profession in terms of academic departments after merger so that the present departments and sport teams represented high overlap, which makes faculty staffs faced variation of position, worried for their vested interests to be affected, and felt uncertain for the changes.
4 The main reasons why the merger of the two physical colleges failed in the end were discussed on two dimensions as following. On the one hand government forced the colleges to choose parts then motivate the merger with negotiation, which couldn’t implement the policy, and on the other government wouldn’t interfered in concluding treaties of organizational frameworks and regulations when the government promoted the merger.
Based on the findings mentioned above, this study suggested that Ministry of Education should take thorough consideration and refer to some empirical merger experiences from overseas universities before the Ministry initiated implementation of domestic merger strategies first. Second, lacking legislation for executed authorities to promote the merger among universities contributed to an inefficient implementation of the strategies; on this regard, there should be plenty of rooms left for improvement for the governmental side. Third, the whole merger strategies should be brought out much earlier in advance by the government and besides the issue of “merger” that could create benefits, the possibilities of the collaboration and cooperation between universities should also be taken into account. Last but not least, the developments of sports and athletics which indicate a nation’s competiveness would always rely on the full support by the governments to provide sufficient resources. As for National Taiwan Sport University, the merger was considered a critical timing for the school to initiate their developments; one should take the opportunity to improve academic research of physical education, and to foster athletic events and sports. If the continuity of the merger is carried out, the school is suggested to adhere some of the principals indicating to select the coping parties physically nearby; however with heterogeneity in the professional fields for the complementation. Furthermore, the faculty staff of the school is expected to cultivate their second specialty in order to meet the demands derived from the change caused by the merger.
Keywords:higher education; merger; Sport university |
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