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Title: | 參與過渡性就業之精神障礙者的工作適應與權能感受 A Study on the Work Adjustment and Empowerment of Persons with Psychiatric Disability Participating in the Transitional Employment Service |
Authors: | 黃佳琦 Huang, Chia-Chi |
Contributors: | 宋麗玉 Song, Li-Yu 黃佳琦 Huang, Chia-Chi |
Keywords: | 精神障礙者 過渡性就業 工作適應 權能感受 persons with psychiatric disability transitional employment service work adjustment empowerment |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-08 02:02:40 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究主要目的在於瞭解(一)精神障礙者成功適應工作的情形、(二)適應工作期間的權能感受,以及(三)就業服務人員協助其適應工作與增強其權能之策略運用。藉由受訪者回顧參與過渡性就業期間的經驗以瞭解工作適應狀況和權能感受間的關係和影響。研究中以質化之深度訪談法進行資料蒐集,研究參與者的選取主要是來自中華民國康復之友聯盟「台北交誼中心」和「高雄交誼中心」,涵蓋十位精神障礙會員與兩位就業服務人員,並以半結構式的訪談方式進行資料蒐集。本研究結果歸納為以下重點:
依據研究發現,筆者針對工作適應之關鍵角色--就業服務員提出下列幾點建議(一)對精神障礙者之個人處遇策略:增加精神障礙會員的社交能力、運用更多元的增強權能策略來激發復元因子;(二)催化雇主對精神障礙會員之認識與接納;(三)強化會所過渡性就業與就業職場間的連結;(四)建立友善且接納的社會環境。本研究結果分析與研究限制皆於文中提出說明,提供未來相關研究與實務之參考。 The study explored the states of persons with psychiatric disability succeeding in work adjustment and empowerment during the Transitional Employment service, and the strategy that employment service staffs adopted to help psychiatric disabilities to adapt their jobs and empower them. Through the survey participants’experiences during the period of participating in the transitional employment service, the study attempted to find out the relationship between work adjustment and empowerment. Qualitative method of the profound experiences was utilized to collect data. The survey participants included 10 persons with psychiatric disability and 2 employment service staffs. All of them were selected from TAMI (The Alliance for the Mentally Ill of R.O.C.,Taiwan) and interviewed by using semi-structured interviewing method. The major findings of this study were as follows:
1.The factors that affected the work adjustment of persons with psychiatric disability were divided into three perspectives:individual (employment motivations, personal characteristic and capability, difficulties encountered at work, and the coping strategies), interpersonal (family and workplaces system) and social environment (the clubhouse and hospitals). Moreover, the three levels of factors had interactive impact on the subjects.
2.The state of psychiatric disability’s work adjustment was divided into three aspects:satisfactoriness (attendance, punctuality, positiveness, concentration, cooperation, working efficiency, and evaluation from the employers), satisfaction (positive and negative feelings),and tenure. For the most part, their performance at work could fulfill the employer’s requests, they have much more positive feelings than negative ones, and as the tenure, which was an integrated performance of both satisfactoriness and satisfaction, they were able to work steadily until the tenure expired.
3.To extend the psychiatric disability’s work adjustment and performance above, the empowerment of persons with psychiatric disability almost revealed itself at both individual (their capabilities to accept and approve of themselves, to perceive self-efficacy, to establish positive image, to stir positive internal motivation, to empower themselves, to make choices and decisions, and to fit the environment) and interpersonal (to possess the knowledge and techniques to communicate with others , to approve themselves while interacting with others, to build up partnership, and to obtain others’ respect) aspect.
4.Employment service staffs played an important role in supporting the psychiatric disability’s work adjustment at workspaces. For the most part, they served as pioneers, supporters, and backing; meanwhile, they were the key persons that adopted multiple strategies to empower the subjects.
5.Based on the states of work adjustment and empowerment, the subjects were categorized into four major types of orientation. Overall, the core category of the subjects extracted was “demonstration of internal and external power”.
According to the findings, the investigator brought up some suggestions:
1.The treatment of psychiatric disability’s individual situation:improve psychiatric disability members’ ability to establish interpersonal relationship and adopt multiple empowerment strategies to stimulate resilience.
2.Encourage employers to understand and accept the psychiatric disability members.
3.Strengthen the connection between the Transitional Employment service of the clubhouse and workspaces.
4.Establish a friendly and acceptable social environment.
The analysis and restriction of the study was brought up in the article, providing references to future related study and practice. |
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