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    Title: 服務業科技化跨業合作歷程之研究— 以健康照護新服務開發聯盟為例
    An empirical study of cross-industrial collaboration process within IT enabled services—Two examples of new services in health care development alliances
    Authors: 梁煥煒
    Liang, Huan Wei
    Contributors: 張昌吉
    Chang, Chang Chih
    Liang, Huan Wei
    Keywords: 服務業科技化
    IT enabled Service
    Health care
    Cross-industrial alliance
    New service
    Collaborative sensemaking
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2010-12-08 02:01:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 科技與創新,為當前服務業最關心的兩個成長驅動引擎,也是競爭的主要利器。政府為刺激產業創新與升級,研擬「ITeS科技化服務業旗艦計畫」,將「健康照護」納入五大推廣策略主軸內,鼓勵異業合作,期以科技與創新來開創新興服務產業,提升我國經濟成長與競爭的優勢。
    研究發現,新服務跨業聯盟可以「合作意會」(Collaborative sensemaking)做為增進營運順暢的一種有效策略。包括導意(Sensegiving)、需意(Sensedemanding)與意解(Sensebreaking)的運用,採用象徵人物與服務物件做為意會媒介,以非正式活動促進夥伴意會與共識,探詢與參與工作脈絡來主動尋找意會脈絡,其中,工程師透過駐點參與及對護理人員服務痛點的體會,轉變思維框架,化解不同領域與組織背景帶來的衝突,更是文中深富意涵的部分。此外,合作參與者也可以「情感基礎」、「工作脈絡的瞭解」、「領域團體的接觸」與「組織策略與代理人動機的結合」四種策略,深化合作意會,並做為檢視成員涉入合作程度的指標。此外,多元合作意義的塑造,也是間接促進合作意會的有效方式。
    ICT and innovation are the two most mentioned engines and powerful weapons for the growth of the service currently. In order to upgrade the industry, Ministry of Economic Affairs conducted “IT enable Service Program” and made “Health care” being the five main strategies, and more, encouraged organizations using technology and innovation to improve the growth and competition of econonmics through cross-indusrial collaboration.
    To know how the cross-industrail firms cooperate with each other in ITeS process, this study used qualitative research approach interviewing 21 participators within two health care alliances which worked “Innovative Technology Applications and Services Program” hold by Department of Industrial Technology, one alliance conducted “Innovative Digital-game enable Physical Rehabilitation Pilot Plan”, the other conduct “Remote Health Care U-Care Establishment Plan”. Base on the two different kind cases, this study explored what affacts influenced alliance work deeply?
    This study adopted dialectic method to probe the effect of ICT development program in cross-cases analysis, the theoris embraced “Artifact lens” which focused technology artifact and operating performance, “Social interaction lens” which actions drived from multi-interests and poltics intentions, “Technology frames lens” which developed by Orlikowski and Gash (1994) and “Sensemaking lens” which proposed by Weick(1988).
    Respectively, this study found that the “Collaborative sensemaking” strategy was an effective way to promote the operation in new service cross-industrial alliances, including sensegiving, sensedemanding and sensebreaking exercises, taking symbolic person and service artifacts in sensemaking media, using informal activities to enhance particators’ sensemaking and common consensus, asking and participating work context to find the sensemaking conext. Especially, the technologiest could transfer his frame of reference by stationed at the partner’s firm and realized the pain point beyond nursing staff’s service, so that the conflicts which arised from the different field and organizational context could be resolved. Besides, participators also could use flour strategies, “Friendship”, “Working context”, “Contacting with social groups” and “Integration of partner firm’s development strategy and agent’s motivation”, to deep collaborative sensemaking, and be the indexs to examine the extent which participators involve the cooperation. And more, the shaping of multi-collaborative meanings, was also an effective way to improve collaborative sensemaking indirectly.
    Besides, this study also found the problems occurred in the ITeS alliances. For example, in working level, the innovative applications often created by the technologists, not service person; second, due to the dynamic characteristic of service, technologists would face equivocal situations during developing systems. In alliance level, multi-interests often enabled participators deviating from the main mission in plan operation, partners maight also ignore concerns the ultimate customers.
    Due to the characteristics of humanistic care and social interaction experiment of new service and health care, this study argued that the collaborative sensemaking could be a useful strategy to improve crosss-industrail cooperation. And more, this study also suggested the partners in the alliance should respect and confirm each participators’ value, and concerned the ultimate customers’ life need and pain point, so that they could jump across the artiftact-interest traps, promote the sense level to human nature, and designed rich social meanings and workable business models. Finally, this study proposed some research and practice implications, and advocated the social implications about the health care in ITeS.
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