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Title: | 伊斯蘭梅拉維蘇非道團(Mevleviyeh) Study on the turkish Mevleviyeh sufitariqa, with special reference to Sama‘ |
Authors: | 葉芳君 Yeh,Fang Chung |
Contributors: | 林長寬 葉芳君 Yeh,Fang Chung |
Keywords: | 伊斯蘭 蘇非主義 陸彌 梅拉維道團 Dhikr Sama Sufism Rumi Mevleviyeh |
Date: | 2010 |
Issue Date: | 2010-12-08 01:59:45 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 伊斯蘭蘇非主義靈修活動主要表現於道團(Tariqa)的儀式,如Dhikr、Sama‘。本論文以土耳其梅拉維道團(Mevleviyeh)之儀式為主要考察對象,以探討靈修活動中的Sama‘儀式。Sama‘意為對神啟示訊息(Wahy)的聆聽,以旋轉動作配以音樂之展演而呈現出整套完整的儀式。梅拉維道團的成員通常藉由Sama‘而達到出神無我之境界,以期能達到接近真主的精神昇華(Qurba)。本論文的內容主要分為下列幾項: (一)伊斯蘭蘇非主義的起源與意義、蘇非道團之興起以及中世紀波斯地區之各個頗具代表性的蘇非道團作一界定、描述與比較;(二)探討梅拉維道團之精神導師陸彌(Jalal al-Din Rumi)的生平、思想及其對後世梅拉維道團發展之影響;(三)討論梅拉維道團之發展及其歷史,並試圖將陸彌的思想與梅拉維道團之發展做連結;(四)探討分析Sama‘之儀式: 界定Sama‘、分析詮釋其儀式之內涵、靈修之意義。 The most common Sufi rituals are expressed in the order (tariqa)’s activities, mainly the Dhikr or Sama‘. This study focuses on the Turkish Sufi tariqa, the Mevleviyah which is attributed to the great medieval Sufi master Jalal al-Din Rumi. The contents of this thesis will deal with the brief history of Sufism in medieval period, the life and thought of Rumi, history of the development of Mevleviyeh tariqa, the analysis of Sama‘ ritual which is the core ritual of Mevleviyeh tariqa. The aim of this thesis is to show the importance of Islamic studies in term of human spiritual achievement. |
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